No School or After School Activities on Tuesday, Jan. 21st. Stay warm!

Mabel-Canton Varsity Cheer
Special Event Information

Disney Varsity Spirit Spectacular

NCA rules state you are eligible to attend this event if you are a UCA & NCA Varsity Cheer All American & All American nominees; Varsity Captains, Co-Captains & Officers.  As the coach, I plan to make this an event that you must work hard to qualify to be able to go. 

M-C Rules are as follows: You MUST be nominated at NCA/UCA camp for any of the 6 categories for All American. You must TRY OUT for All American, by completing the try out audition. You will not be able to go, even if you are a captain, if you have not been nominated for the All American title. 

Varsity All-American London Tour/Rome Tour

NCA rules state you are eligible to attend this event if you are a UCA & NCA Varsity Cheer All American & All American nominee. As the coach, I have also added the rule that this is a second level event that you may only attend if you have already performed at the Disney/Universal (Orlando) or Philadelphia (JV event).

M-C Rules are as follows: You MUST be nominated at NCA/UCA camp for any of the 6 categories for All American. You must TRY OUT for All American, by completing the try out audition. You should be a current All American Cheerleader or have made the All American Team in the past to be able to perform at this event. You can only attend the Rome Tour after you have performed in the London Tour (as per Varsity Rules)

Remember that MC Cheerleading does not pay for these events, they are funded on your own. 

For more information about the NCA All American Process, Click here: