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Gary Kuphal - Superintendent
Michelle Weidemann - Principal
Heather Wilder - Dean of Students/English
Heather Kleiboer - Administrative Assistant
Lisa Halverson - Administrative Assistant
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Amy Hoscheit-PreK
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Tina Swenson - Kindergarten
Sarah Holdmeyer - Grade 1
Susie Munroe -- Title
Pam Rasmussen - Grade 2
Nicky Eiken -- Grade 3
Tyler Augedahl - Grade 3
Laura Vatland - Grade 4
Ruthann Sacquitne - Grade 5
Kati Bergey - Grade 6
Laura Horihan - English
Tamith Peter-Science
Middle/High School
Heather Wilder - English
Laura Horihan - English
Michelle Weidemann - Business
Lana Hollar - Changes & Challenges
Paul Tollefsrud - Industrial Technology
Doug Wyffels - Math
Jordan Nelson - Science
Tamitha Peter - Middle School Science
Jessica Hahn-Miller - Social Studies
Blaine Storlie - Phy Ed./Health
- Spanish
Kati Bergey - Math
Ag Votech, FFA-C. Gallagher
Special Education
Lori Schutte - Special Education
Katie Farnen - Special Education
Adam Wilder - Special Education
Jeremy Braun - Speech Services
Stacey Wilson - Elem. SPED
Heather Wilder - English
Lonnie Morken - Phy Ed
Susie Munroe - RTI/Title I
Stephanie Morken - Vocal Music
Samuel Farnen - Instrumental Music
Ag Votech, FFA
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Cheer Competitions
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2019-2020 Varsity Cheer Squad
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2013 Fall Cheer Dance
2012-2013 Varsity Cheer Squad
2012 Cheer Camp
2012-2013 Cheer fun Pix
Summer Cheer Camp 2011
2011-2012 Varsity Cheer Squad
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2010-2011 Varsity Cheer Squad
Cheerleading Dance Performance 2012
Cheer Camp 2010
2009-2010 Varsity Cheer Squad
2008-2009 Varsity Cheer Squad
2007-2008 Varsity Cheer Squad
2006-2007 Varsity Cheer Squadd
2005-2006 Varsity Cheer Squad
2004-2005 Varsity Cheer Squad
Spirit Camp 2005!
School Mascot & Squad
2003-2004 Varsity Cheer Squad
2012 Cheer Camp
That one cheer camp....
The Mabel-Canton Varsity Cheerleaders traveled to Wisconsin Dells July 9-12th for their second year at an NCA (National Cheerleading Association) camp at the Great Wolf Lodge Resort. There were 5 other schools at the camp, coming from as far away as Michigan and Illinois. (about 60 girls total)
The M-C Squad of 5 girls prepared to work hard for the 4 day camp and learned a tremendous amount of material to bring home, perfect and perform during the 2012-2013 school year. They improved in stunting, learned several new cheers and dances, and grew together as a team. With a few brand new cheerleaders this year, it was an incredible experience for the whole team.
The Cougars took home 3 Spirit Stick awards during camp (for showing Spirit, teamwork and overall helpfulness and work ethic during the day). One new member, Aubrey Norby, was awarded the “Pin it Forward” pin for showing her perseverance and overcoming her fear and pushing on to master a stunt. She showed willingness to learn and worked hard to not let her team down. She was one of 4 girls from the whole camp to receive this award! (She was also very possibly the youngest camp member there).
The Cheerleaders were also awarded the Herkie Team Award on the 2nd day of camp—which is the award that exemplifies the qualities on which NCA was founded and continues to teach today. Leadership, values, teamwork and sportsmanship are an integral part of cheerleading – and the Cougar Squad was recognized and voted on by their peers for this prestigious award!! By earning this certificate, they were also presented with the Sponsor Gift from Gatorade—a huge Gatorade cooler along with supplies!
At the end of camp on the fourth day, the M-C Cheerleaders performed for a crowd with the talents that they learned. They performed stunting, Spirit, Chant and Cheer – and were awarded the Most Improved certificate for their team growth and improvement in technical skills and performance ability. They also claimed the Game Time Trophy for their performance and received a National Championship Bid to the NCA Senior and Junior High School national Championship that is held next January in Dallas, TX.
Thank you from the M-C Cheer Squad for all of you that supported our fundraisers and donate your cans to our cause so that we can continue to work hard, learn and enjoy this camp each summer!
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Aubrey's first stunt
Pin it forward
At the Lodge
Herkie Award!
With NCA Staffer Molly