Elementary Behavioral Expectations

No Rough Play
• No hitting/punching
• No pushing/pinching
• No spitting/biting
• No wrestling
• No snow/ice balls

No Verbal or Emotional Harassment
• No teasing
• No bad/inappropriate language
• No name calling
• No inappropriate gestures

Use playground equipment, surface, and grounds the way it was intended for
• No climbing the fences
• No climbing up the slide, going down on one’s front side, or pushing others down the slide
• No sitting on the top of the zipper slide
• No throwing of grass, sand, or dirt on the new playground surface/or at people

Football should be two-hand touch

No toys brought from home; the school cannot be responsible for broken, lost, or stolen toys! (Sleds will be
provided in the winter by the school.)

No weapons or facsimile of weapons (meaning toy knives, guns, swords, etc.)

No theft or vandalism of any kind

No direct insubordination/disobeying to school authorities

Students must have permission from the supervisor to leave the recess area

Students should dress appropriately for the weather. If the temperature is above zero (including wind-chill)
students should be prepared for an outdoor recess
• Students must have boots and snow pants after the first snowfall to play on snow piles that accumulate on the blacktop area
• Students not wearing snow pants or boots must stay off the snow piles and on the plowed blacktop only!


Playground Consequences Grades K-3

1. School Action: Verbal Reprimand - clearly point out the misbehavior and set the expectations for future conduct.
Student Action: Improve behavior.
2. School Action: Parent Contact (notes, telephone, or email) -attempt to problem solve with the parents by establishing joint efforts to find solutions for conduct issues.
Student Action: Elementary discipline slip will be filled out by the student in the office. Elementary discipline slip
will be sent home for a parent/guardian signature and returned to school.
3. School Action: Instructional Decision Making Team - formulate a plan for correcting behavioral issues with principal, school social worker, teachers, and parents.
Student Action: Elementary discipline slip will be filled out by the student in the office. Elementary discipline slip
will be sent home for a parent/guardian signature and returned to school.


Contact: Mrs. Swenson