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426 Support Staff: Employment and Benefits

Mabel Canton Schools
Adopted 2000

426 Support Staff: Employment and Benefits


The purpose of this policy is to establish policy regarding support staff hiring and benefit procedures. This policy is effective for all employees hired after July 1, 1995.


1.52 Week (Full-time) Employees:
A. Salary
1. As designated by the district's comparable worth plan, salary schedule, and annual performance review 
2. Set by board of education
B. Insurance Benefits
1. Group health per Teacher's Master Agreement
2. If the employee chooses not to take this benefit, no monetary compensation will be given in its place
C. Paid Vacation
1. 2 weeks per year after the first year
2. 3 weeks per year after the fifteenth year
3. Arranged with the superintendent
D. Paid Sick Leave
1. 15 days per year
2. Accumulative to 135
E. Emergency Leave
1. 5 days per year
2. Deducted from sick leave
3. Non-cumulative
F. Paid Personal Leave
1. 2 days per year
2. Deducted from sick leave
3. Non-cumulative
G. Paid Holidays : 8 per year as approved. These may include:
1. Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year's Day, President's Day, Good Friday, Memorial Day, July 4th, unless school is in session.
2. In the event that these holidays fall on a weekend, the following Monday shall be the designated holiday, unless school is in session.

II. Less than 52 Week Employees:
A. Salary
1. As designated by the district's comparable worth plan, support staff salary schedule, and annual performance review
2. Set by board of education
B. Paid Sick Leave
1. Proportional to full-time
2. Accumulative to 100
C. Emergency Leave
1.5 days per year
2. Deducted from sick leave
3. Non-cumulative
D. Paid Personal Leave
1. One day per year
2. Deducted from sick leave
3. Non-cumulative

III. Bus Drivers (regular route drivers)
A. Salary
1. Set by board of education
2. Performance review annually
B. Sick Leave
1.9 days per year
2. Accumulative to 100
C. Emergency Leave
1.5 days per year
2. Deducted from sick leave
3. Non-cumulative
D. Physical Examination
1.$15 paid by the district 

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