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Mabel Canton Schools
Adopted 2000
Revised: September 2018



The purpose of this policy is to identify school district business expenses that involve initial payment by an employee, and qualify for reimbursement from the school district, and to specify the manner by which the employee seeks reimbursement.


All school district business expenses to be reimbursed must be approved by the supervising administrator. Such expenses to be reimbursed may include transportation, meals, lodging, registration fees, required materials, parking fees and other reasonable and necessary school district business-related expenses.


A. Requests for reimbursement must be itemized on the official school district form and are to be submitted to the designated administrator. Receipts for lodging, commercial transportation, registration and other reasonable and necessary expenses must be attached to the reimbursement form.

B. Automobile travel shall be reimbursed at the mileage rate set by the school board. Commercial transportation shall reflect economy fares and shall be reimbursed only for actual cost of the trip.

C. All out of state travel will need to be approved by the School Board at their regular meeting.  


A. Employees utilizing school district funds to pay for airline travel are required to ensure that any credits or other benefits issued by any airline accrue to the benefit of the school district rather than the employee.  

1.  To the extent an airline will not honor a transfer or assignment of credit or benefit from the employee to the school district, the employee shall report receipt of the credit or benefit to the designated administrator within 90 days of receipt of the credit or benefit.  

2.  Reports of the receipt of an airline credit or benefit shall be made in writing and shall include verification from the airline as to the credit or benefit received.  Reimbursement for airline travel expenses will not be made until such documentation is provided.  

B. Employees who have existing credits or benefits issued by an airline based upon previously reimbursed airline travel for school district purposes will be required to utilize those credits or benefits toward any subsequent airline travel related to school district purposes, prior to reimbursement for such travel, to the extent permitted and/or feasible.  

C.  The requirements of this section apply to all airline travel, regardless of where or how the tickets are purchased.  


In order to receive job-related training, an employee may be required to travel to another city order to attend lectures, training sessions and/or courses of instruction.  When the training is required and/or approved by the administration, mileage and travel time will be reimbursed from the employees' home to the training or from the work site to the training, whichever is closer.  See 29 CFR 785.38.


The superintendent shall develop a schedule of reimbursement rates for school district business expenses, including those expenses requiring advance approval and specific rates of reimbursement. The superintendent shall also develop directives and guidelines to address methods and times for submission of requests for reimbursement.

Legal References:
Minn. Stat. § 15.435 (Airline Travel Credit)
Minn. Stat. § 471.665 (Mileage Allowances)
Minn. Op. Atty. Gen. 1035 (Aug. 23, 1999) (Retreat Expenses)
Minn. Op. Atty. Gen. 161b-12 (Aug. 4, 1997) (Transportation Expenses)
Minn. Op. Atty. Gen. 161b-12 (Jan. 24, 1989) (Operating Expenses of Car)

Cross References:
MSBA/MASA Model Policy 214 (Out-of-State Travel by School Board Members.  

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