Do you need a copy of your transcript?

If you would like an official copy of your HIGH SCHOOL transcript, you can make that request from the high school office or the counseling office. We will be happy to get the transcript sent out within 48 hours when school is in session.

Please make requests early. During the summer months, the counseling office is closed and the high school office has limited hours.

If you have taken any COLLEGE COURSES (Advanced English, On-line courses, etc.) you need to request the transcript DIRECTLY FROM THE COLLEGE. This isn't something the high school can do for you....the request must be made by the student who took the course.

If the course was offered through Minnesota State College Southeast Technical, you will need to go to their website ( and electronically request the transcript (look under "Quick Link", "STUDENT FORMS", then scroll down to "REQUEST A TRANSCRIPT" from the Winona campus.) There is a small fee for processing - they accept Mastercard or Visa. You will need to provide the address where you want the transcript sent. Keep in mind, often the transcript is NOT considered "official" unless it is mailed from one college to another (without going to your home address first and FAXES ARE NOT OFFICIAL). If you are currently in the term that you want to show on the transcript BE SURE TO MARK "SEND AT THE END OF THE TERM" or "AFTER THE GRADE HAS BEEN AWARDED" if the instructor is still working on the grades (our term doesn't align with the college - their term ends before ours).

If you have taken COLLEGE COURSES through PSEO, you will personally need to contact the college to request the transcript.