Tonight (3/10/25) is the first night of Parent/Teacher Conferences! They start at 3:30 and run until 7:30 pm tonight. If you need to reserve your time spot with an Elementary Teacher, visit our link below to find the code and link.
High School teachers will be located in the High School gym for the evening. Please stop in the office if you have questions, or would like to pick up your student's grades report.

If you had a student play a winter sport this season, please stick around for the Winter Awards program that will start tonight following conferences, around 7:45 pm.

If you can't make it to conferences tonight, you can still visit us on Thursday {3/13/25} from 3:30-7:30 pm.

Remember, there is NO SCHOOL on Friday this week {3/14/25}.


Welcome to ECFE (Early Childhood Family Education)

Well, we are starting another school year. This year our M-C ECFE and School Readiness programs are offering several special events for all families with young children. Please take this opportunity to come out and interact with your children and also other families in the area with young child. Please watch your mail for the MINI-CUBS newsletter that comes out in the fall and winter with all our information included in it. I look forward to meeting you and if you have any questions please contact me at school. Phone number~ 493-5423 ext 127

Contact: Amy Hoscheit