No School or After School Activities on Tuesday, Jan. 21st. Stay warm!

FCLMC Youth Wrestling

FCLMC Youth Wrestling

Parent Meeting: November 11th at 6pm for grades 3-6th, and 6:45 for grades K-2nd in the Fillmore Central High School Cafeteria. We will have forms available at the parent meeting.

First practice: Monday, November 25th.

Pictures will be Friday, Nov. 18th. We will be starting at 5:45 with the younger group and 6:15 with the older group.

Practices during season: held at the FC High School Wrestling Room in Harmony on Monday and Thursday nights.

Mondays & Thursdays

6:00 pm to 6:45 pm Grades K – 2
7:00 pm to 8:00 pm Grades 3 – 6

This year’s program will be organized by Jason Hovey and Caleb Fischer, along with coaches Joel Thomas and Troy Knox. We continue to be in need of more volunteers that are interested in helping with coaching and also with various duties for the program, including the youth tournament. Parents of wrestlers will be required to assist with the youth tournaments as needed this year. Please look for more details during the season.


Please return registration form and registration fee by November 10th to Fillmore Central Community Education, Angi Kaase, P.O. Box 50, Preston, MN 55965 or or 507-765-3809 option 6.

Forms will also be available at the MC Main Office.

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