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Mabel Canton Schools
Adopted 2000
Revised :March 2001


The purpose of this policy is to set forth requirements for graduation from the school district. 

It is the policy of the school district that all students must pass the Minnesota Graduation Basic Standards tests in Reading, Mathematics, and Written Composition as per state requirements or higher guidelines, as established by the school board, in order to graduate.


A. Department means the Department of Children, Families and Learning.
B. State test means a test established and maintained by the Department.
C . Unit means a unit measuring education achievement based on successfully com pleting the requirements of a given course of study.
D. Section 504 Accommodation means the defined appropriate accommodations or modifications that must be made in the school environment to address the needs of an individual student with disabilities.
E. Individualized Education Plan, or IEP, means a written statement developed for a student eligible by law for special education and services.
F. Limited English Proficient or LEP students means individuals whose first language is not English and whose test performance may be negatively impacted by lack of English language proficiency.

The district graduation standards technician shall be named the school district test administrator. Said person shall be in charge of all test procedures and shall bring recommendations to the school board annually for approval.


A. All students must pass the Minnesota Graduation Basic Standards tests in Reading, Mathematics, and Written Composition as per state requirements in order to graduate;
B. All students must complete all preparatory content standards as per state requirements; and
C. All students must successfully engage in an appropriate number of standards. A student must:

1. Complete the required number of measured Units in grades 9 - 12.
31 total Units are required. These must include:
English 4 credits
History 5 credits
History 9 1 credit
History 10 1 credit
World History 1 credit
Geography 1 credit
Psychology/Political Science 1 credit

Mathematics 3 credits
Math 9 (Algebra 9, Geometry 9) 1 credit
Math 10-12 2 credits
Science 2 credits
Physical Science 9 1 credit
Biology or Environmental Science 1 credit

Advanced Keyboarding 1/2
Introduction to Art 1/2
Computer 1 1/2
Careers 1/2
Creative Writing 1/2
Speech 1/2
Home Economics 9/10, 
Industrial Tech 9/10, 
Ag Experience, Accounting 2
Health/Phys Ed 9&10 2
Youth Service 1
Electives 9

Total required for graduation 31
22 required
9 elective

* Full implementation with the Class of 2005

2. Have met the requirements of an IEP. 
3. Have met the requirements of an approved alternative learning center.

Legal References: Minn. Rule Parts 3501.0010 to 3501.0180 (Rules Relating to Graduation Standards- Mathematics and Reading); Minn. Rule Parts 3501.0200 to 3501.0290 (Rules Relating to Graduation Standards - Written Composition); Minn. Stat. 120B.07 (Early Graduation); Minn. Stat. 120B.11 (School District Process)

Cross References: MSBA\MASA Model Policy 104 (School District Mission Statement); MSBA/MASA Model Policy 601 (School District Curriculum and Instruction Goals); MSBA/MASA Model Policy 614 (School District Testing Plan and Procedure); MSBA/MASA Model Policy 615 (Basic Standards Testing, Accommodations, Modifications, and Exemptions for IEP, Section 504 Accommodations and LEP Students); MSBA/MASA Model Policy 616 (School District System Accountability)

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