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Mabel Canton Schools
Adopted 2000


The purpose of this policy is to encourage and facilitate parental participation in Chapter I LEA educational programs and experiences of students. The policy shall provide the framework for organized, systematic, ongoing, informed and timely parent involvement in relation to decisions about the Title I services within the school district. The involvement of parents by the school district shall be directed toward both public and private school children whose parents are school district residents or whose children attend school within the boundaries of the school district.

The school board affirmatively invites parental participation in all aspects of Chapter I LEA educational programming for the students of the community. The school board welcomes parental involvement at all levels of the educational process. In keeping with this policy:

A. The administration shall develop a plan to facilitate and encourage the involvement of parents in educational processes.
B. The administration shall review its plan for encouraging parental involvement in educational processes on an annual basis.
C. The administration shall develop procedures for the involvement of parents of participating public and private school children with regard to Chapter I LEA programs, including but not limited to, parent input into planning, design and implementation of the program. Such procedures must provide for:

1. Meaningful consultation of parents or participating children;
2. Consultation which is organized, systematic, ongoing, informed and timely in relations to decisions about the program; and
3. Activities and procedures for the involvement of parents sufficient in scope and quality to give reasonable promise of substantial progress toward achieving the goals under Section D below.

D. The procedures developed by the administration for the involvement of parents in Chapter I LEA programs shall have the following goals:

1. To inform parents of the reasons for their child’s participation and specific instructional objectives of the program;
2. To support the efforts of parents, including the training of parents as practicable, to work with their children in the home to obtain instructional objectives and to understand the program requirements;
3. To train parents, teachers and principals to build a partnership between home and school;
4. To train teachers, principals and other staff members involved in the program to work effectively with the parents of participating children;
5. To consult with parents on an ongoing basis concerning the manner in which the school and parents can work better together to achieve the program’s objectives; 
6. To provide a comprehensive range of opportunities for parents to become timely informed about the program, its operation, evaluations and achievements; and
7. To provide opportunities for the full participation of parents who lack literacy skills or whose native language is not English.

E. Specifically, administration shall develop procedures for Chapter I LEA programs which include the following:

1. Written guidelines after consultation with parents to ensure parental involvement in the program and provide for timely responses to parent recommendations. The guidelines shall be available to parents of participating children;
2. An annual meeting to which all parents of participating children must be invited at which the programs and activities provided in the program shall be explained;
3. Provision for parents of participating children to receive reports on their children’s progress by allowing opportunities for conferences, by making educational personnel readily accessible to parents, and by permitting parents of participating children to observe Chapter I LEA program activities;
4. Opportunities for regular parent meetings to formulate input into the program if the parents so desire;
5. Provision to parents of participating children of timely information about the program;
6. Steps to make parents aware of the requirements to involve them in other relevant program provisions;
7. Reasonable support for parental involvement activities such as parents may request;
8. Coordination, to the extent possible, of parental involvement activities funded under the Federal Adult Education Act; and
9. To the extent practicable, provision of information, programs and activities for parents subject to this section in a language and form that the parents understand.

F. The administration shall develop a system by which the school district shall annually assess, through consultation with the parents, the effectiveness of the parental involvement program and determine what action needs to be taken, if any, to increase parental participation.

Legal References: 34 C.F.R. 200.34; 20 U.S.C. 2726, 2731(a)(4)

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