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Mabel Canton Schools
Adopted 2000


The purpose of this policy is to recognize the need for alternative education programs for some school district students.

The school board recognizes the importance of alternative program options for some students. Circumstances may be such that some students are put at risk of being able to continue or to complete their education programs. It is the policy of the school board that options shall be made available for some students to select educational alternatives that will enhance their opportunity to complete their education programs, recognizing that some students may become successful learners if given an opportunity to learn in a different environment and through a different learning style.


A. It shall be the responsibility of the superintendent to identify alternative program opportunities to be made available to students who may be at risk, to recommend such alternative programs to the school board for approval, and to familiarize students and parents with the availability of such alternative programs. The superintendent shall, through cooperative efforts with other schools, agencies and organizations, periodically recommend additional or modified alternative educational programs to the school board.

B. The superintendent shall have discretionary authority to develop guidelines and directives to implement school board policy relating to alternative programs. 

Legal References: Minn. Stat. 120A.22, Subd. 8 (Compulsory Instruction); Minn. Stat. 121A.41 (Definitions); Minn. Stat. 121A.45, subd. 1 (Grounds for Dismissal); Minn. Stat. 123A.06 (Center Programs and Services); Minn. Stat. 124D.32 (Learn and Earn Graduation Achievement Program) ; Minn. Stat. 124D.331 (Educational Program for Pregnant Minors and Minor Parents); Minn. Stat. 124D.66 (Assurance of Mastery Programs); Minn. Stat. 124D.68 (Graduation Incentives Programs) ; Minn. Stat. 124D.74 (American Indian Language and Cultural Educational Programs)

Cross References: MSBA Model Policy 603 (Curriculum Development); MSBA Model Policy 604 (Instructional Curriculum)

Credit(s) Make-Up via Distance Learning

Board Policy 605-1

Policy Adopted: November 19, 2002

Criteria for issuance of a Mabel-Canton High School diploma are set by the Mabel-Canton Board of Education and are in compliance with the Minnesota Department of Children, Families and Learning. The purpose of this policy is to address the issue of loss of credit by a student, thereby jeopardizing his/her graduation diploma.

Non-traditional credits for make-up purposes only, include:
� Correspondence Courses
� Online Courses

Approved Programs:
� Minnesota State College - Southeast Technical 
� North Dakota Division of Independent Study

Correspondence and Online Courses

High school students may earn, through correspondence and/or online, a maximum of four (4) credits to be applied toward graduation requirements. Only one credit may be earned during any one (1) semester. Only courses offered by agencies and institutions recognized by the Board of Education will be accepted. The express approval of the principal/dean of students shall be obtained BEFORE courses are taken, and an official record of the final grade must be issued to the student prior to the issuance of a diploma. Under ordinary circumstances students or the parents/ guardians shall pay for approved correspondence/online courses that the student may choose to take.

For an agency or institution to be approved by the School Board, the following steps must be completed:
1. Recommendation from the counseling office based on a review of the following documents:
� Statement of accreditation.
� Course(s) registration guide.
� Individual course syllabus.
� course requirements, grade, final exam information

2. Recommendation from a school administrator at a site where credits from this agency or institution(s) are currently accepted towards a diploma.
3. Written recommendation for approval from Mabel-Canton High School principal/dean of students based on a review of the above documents.
4. Approval from Superintendent of Mabel-Canton Schools.
5. Approval from the Mabel-Canton Board of Education.

Application for Credit

To apply for a credit through correspondence and/or online course a student shall:
� Complete all pre-requisites.
� Provide a written recommendation from a teacher or counselor to confirm evidence that the student has lost course credit.
� Provide a written recommendation from a teacher or counselor to confirm evidence that the student possess the maturity level needed to function effectively in an independent learning setting during zero hour within the school day.
� Written permission from the principal/dean of students.
� Written permission from a parent or guardian.

Tuition Fees

The tuition fees for correspondence/online programs will be the responsibility of the student and his/her parents/guardians. The high school may pay the fees if:
� The course work is determined to be a part of a special service program related to a 504 Plan or IEP.
� The student is enrolled in a Day Treatment Program and the course is a designated part of the student’s program toward a high school diploma.

Transcript Documenting Completion

After the correspondence/online course is completed, the student must present an original transcript documenting the completion of the criteria and the receipt of a grade and credit. This documentation must be received and verified before graduation and a diploma is issued.

Appeal Process

Process for an appeal for a request that was denied for a correspondence or online course includes:

1. The student will present his/her written appeal to the building principal/dean of students within five (5) working days of the denial.
2. The principal/dean of students will forward the student’s written appeal to the superintendent within five (5) working days of receiving the written appeal.
3. The superintendent will meet with the student and his/her parents/guardian within five (5) working days of receiving the written appeal from the principal/dean of students.
4. To appeal the denial by a superintendent, the student must forward a letter of appeal to the chairperson of the Mabel-Canton Board of Education within ten (10) working days of the denial from the superintendent.
5. To appeal the denial by the Mabel-Canton Board of Education, the student must present in writing an appeal to the Commission of the MN Department of Children, Families and Learning within thirty (30) working days of the Mabel-Canton Board of Education’s denial.

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