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Mabel-Canton Schools Adopted 2000 Revised: 204 SCHOOL BOARD MEETING MINUTES I. PURPOSE The purpose of this policy is to establish procedures relating to the maintenance of records of the school board and the publication of its official proceedings. II. GENERAL STATEMENT OF POLICY It is the policy of the school district to maintain its records so that they will be available for inspection by members of the general public and to provide for the publication of its official proceedings in compliance with law. III. MAINTENANCE OF MINUTES AND RECORDS The clerk is responsible to record and maintain permanent records of the school board, including records of the minutes of school board meetings and other required records of the school board. All votes taken at meetings required to be open to the public pursuant to the Minnesota Open Meeting Law shall be recorded in a journal kept for that purpose. Public records maintained by the school district shall be available for inspection by members of the public during the regular business hours of the school district. Minutes of meetings shall be available for inspection at the administrative offices of the school district after they have been prepared. Minutes of a school board meeting shall be approved or modified by the school board at a subsequent meeting, which action shall be reflected in the official proceedings of that subsequent meeting. IV. PUBLICATION OF OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS A. The school board shall cause its official proceedings to be published once in the official newspaper of the school district within thirty (30) days of the meeting at which the proceedings occurred. B. The proceedings to be published shall be sufficiently full to fairly set forth the proceedings. They must include the substance of all official actions taken by the school board at any regular or special meeting, and at minimum must include the subject matter of a motion, the persons making and seconding the motion, a listing of how each member present voted on the motion, the character of resolutions offered including a brief description of their subject matter and whether adopted or defeated. The minutes and permanent records of the school board may include more detail than is required to be published with the official proceedings. If the proceedings have not yet been approved by the school board, the proceedings to be published may reflect that fact. C. The proceedings to be published may be a summary of the essential elements of the proceedings, and/or of resolutions and other official actions of the school board. Such a summary shall be written in a clear and coherent manner and shall, to the extent possible, avoid the use of technical or legal terms not generally familiar to the public. When a summary is published, the publication shall clearly indicate that the published material is only a summary and that the full text is available for public inspection at the administrative offices of the school district. Legal references: Minn. Stat. § 123.33, Subd. 11 (publication of proceedings); Minn. Stat. § 123.34, Subd. 8 (record of meetings); Minn. Stat. § 331A.01 (definition); Minn. Stat. § 471.705 (Open Meeting Law); Op. Atty. Gen. 161-a-20, December 17, 1970; Ketterer v. Independent School District No. 1, 248 Minn. 212, 79 N.W. 2d 428 (1956). Cross reference: MSBA Model Policy 205 (Open Meetings and Closed Meetings); MSBA Service Manual, Chapter 3, The School Board and its Powers |
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