Date: 12/19/24
Mabel-Canton Schools will be RELEASING at 1:00pm TODAY, there will be no after school activities (games/practice etc). 

July 18, 2023 Agenda

Independent School District #238                                     

Mabel-Canton, Minnesota

School Board Meeting Agenda

July 18, 2023

Regular Meeting 6:00 pm

Mrs. Peter’s Science Room #50 

  • Meetings of the Mabel-Canton school board may be conducted in accordance with Minnesota Statute 13D.021-Meetings by Telephone or Other Electronic Means-until further notice.  The July 18, 2023 Mabel-Canton regular school board meeting will take place at 6:00 pm in Mrs. Peter’s Science Room #50 with one or more board members possibly participating by telephone or other electronic means.  Members of the public ARE permitted to attend this meeting.  Persons may monitor this meeting from a remote location by contacting the phone number:  (+1 414-882-8757) (PIN:997480665)

I.    Call to Order


II.   Pledge of Allegiance


III. Agenda Changes/Additions 


IV.  Approval of Minutes

  1. Minutes of the Regular School Board Meeting, June 20, 2023

V.   Chairperson’s Announcements

A.  Public Participation and Recognition


VI. Consent Agenda-ACTION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    

A.  2021-22 Budget

B.  Claims Report

C.  Hire Blaine Storlie as PE/Health/Social Studies Teacher


VII. Reports 

  1. Student Representatives
  2. Committees:
  • World’s Best Workforce
  • Curriculum Review
  • Facilities and Capital Outlay 
  • Policy Committee
  • COVID-19 Committee
  • Hiawatha Valley Education District
  • Southeast Service Cooperative
  1. PreK-12 Principal
  2. Superintendent

VIII.  Items for Action and/or Discussion

  1.  Hire Dana Vesterse as Head Custodian effective September 1, 2023 - ACTION
  2.  Resolution Adopting I.S.D. 238 FY 25 Long-Term Facilities Maintenance Ten-Year Plan - ACTION
  3.  2023-24 Student/Parent Handbook, 1st Reading - DISCUSSION
  4.  2023-24 Extra-Curricular Handbook, 2nd Reading - ACTION
  5. 2023-24 SAC Handbook, 2nd Reading - ACTION
  6.  Fall Coaches and Year-Long Advisors - ACTION
  7.  2023-24 Fundraising List - ACTION
  8.  HVED Joint Powers Agreement - ACTION
  9. HVED Purchase of Winona Mall - ACTION

IX. Future Meeting and Calendar Updates

  1. August 24, 2023; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm 
  2. September 19, 2023; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm 
  3. October 17, 2023; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm

X. Adjournment -ACTION


^ = Guideline for public comments: Three minutes per person, 15 minutes maximum per topic; complaints about personnel or individuals are not allowed; no board action will be taken during public comment; this is the only time during the meeting that audience participation will be allowed unless scheduled prior to the meeting.    


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