January 17, 2023 Agenda
Independent School District #238 Mabel-Canton, Minnesota School Board Meeting Agenda January 17, 2023 Regular Meeting 6:00 pm Mrs. Peter’s Science Room #50
I. Call to Order II. Pledge of Allegiance III. Agenda Changes/Additions IV. Items for Action and/or Discussion
V. Approval of Minutes
VI. Chairperson’s Announcements A. Public Participation and Recognition
VII. Consent Agenda-ACTION A. Authorization for the Business Manager, School Board Treasurer, and/or Superintendent to make wire transfer of funds for the purpose of reinvestments. B. Authorization for the Business Manager Office and/or Superintendent to issue checks, electronic fund transfers and wire transfers. C. Authorization for the Business Manager and/or Superintendent to invest funds not needed for current expenses. D. Authorization for the use of facsimiles and bitmap signatures for the 2023 school board officers on payroll and voucher checks. E. Authorization for the Business Management Offices, Principal and/or the Superintendent to sign the Activity Fund checks with signatures needed for withdrawal. F. Authorization for the Business Management Offices and/or the Superintendent to execute and file applications for State and Federally funded programs. G. Designation of Official School District Newspaper. (currently Fillmore County Journal) H. Designation of Official Law Firm (currently Kennedy & Graven)
J. School Board Salaries (currently Chair at $90.00 per meeting, Officers at $80.00 per meeting, Directors at $70.00 per meeting and additional meetings at $40.00 not same night as regular meetings) K. Official Communication Channels (currently Midwest Radio Family/WIZM, KDEC, KVIK, KTTC/FOX 47) Remind 101 L. School Board Meeting Dates, Times and Location (currently 3rd Tuesday of month at 6:00 pm, Mrs. Peter’s Science Room #50) M. 2021-22 Budget N. Claims Report O. Donations:
P. Resignation - Tanya Kidder as Special Education Paraprofessional Q. Hire Jodi Wagner as Special Education Paraprofessional VIII. Reports
IX. Enrollment X. Items for Action and/or Discussion C. Committee Assignments for Calendar Year 2023 - ACTION
D. Superintendent Position for 2023-24 - DISCUSSION and/or ACTION E. Resolution directing the Administration to make recommendations to reductions in programs, staffing and reasons therein - ACTION F. Resolution Establishing Combined Polling Places for Calendar Year 2024 - ACTION G. Snow Days - DISCUSSION and/or ACTION H. Revised 2022-23 Budget - ACTION
XI. Future Meeting and Calendar Updates
XII. Adjournment -ACTION ^ = Guideline for public comments: Three minutes per person, 15 minutes maximum per topic; complaints about personnel or individuals are not allowed; no board action will be taken during public comment; this is the only time during the meeting that audience participation will be allowed unless scheduled prior to the meeting. |
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