October 19, 2021 Agenda

Independent School District #238                                     
Mabel-Canton, Minnesota
School Board Meeting Agenda
October 19, 2021
Regular Meeting 6:00 pm
Media Center 

Due to the current federal and state emergency declarations and guidance about limiting person-to-person contact due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, meetings of the Mabel-Canton school board will be conducted in accordance with Minnesota Statute 13D.021-Meetings by Telephone or Other Electronic Means-until further notice.
As a result, the October 19, 2021 Mabel-Canton school board meeting will take place at 6:00 pm in the library with one or more board members possibly participating by telephone or other electronic means.
Members of the public ARE permitted to attend this meeting, but the total number in attendance may be limited in order to allow for proper social distancing.  Persons may monitor this meeting from a remote location by contacting the phone number:  1 504-613-6678  PIN: 297582461

I.    Call to Order

II.   Pledge of Allegiance

III. Agenda Changes/Additions 

IV.  Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the School Board Regular Meeting, September 21, 2021

V.   Chairperson’s Announcements
A.  Public Participation and Recognition
Presentation - Redefining Readiness

VI. Items for Action and/or Discussion
2020-21 Audit Results - ACTION

VII. Consent Agenda-ACTION                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    
A.  2021-22 Budget
B.    Claims Report
C.    Donations:
$80 for Milk Break was donated by First Southeast Bank
15 gallons of hand sanitizer was donated by Julie Stortz
$25 for Music department was donated in memory of LaVonne Mengis by an anonymous donor
School Supplies were donated by Waterloo Ridge Ladies Aide
$276 for Kindergarten Scholastic Books was donated by the United Methodist Church of Mabel
$250 to be used for school supplies donated by United Methodist Church of Mabel
$125 to be used for student and/or teacher supplies donated by former Helping Hands Circle-Sheie Church
$200 to be used for the Senior Class Trip donated by Heather Williams
Photography services at Homecoming activities ($100 value) donated by Heather Kleiboer
Homecoming Queen Bouquet donated by Mabel Flowers & Gifts
Bathroom supplies/basket ($40 value) for Homecoming dance donated by Tina Michels 

VIII. Reports 
Student Representatives
World’s Best Workforce
Curriculum Review
Facilities and Capital Outlay
Policy Committee
COVID-19 Committee
Hiawatha Valley Education District
Southeast Service Cooperative
PreK-12 Principal

IX. Enrollment

X.  Items for Action and/or Discussion
B.  “Return to School Plan for 2021-22” Update - DISCUSSION and/or ACTION
C.  Set Joint City Council/School Board Meeting Date - ACTION
D.  Agreement between Mabel-Canton School and Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center for 2021-22 - ACTION
E. Potential School Calendar Changes for 2021-22 and 2022-23 - DISCUSSION and/or ACTION

XI. Future Meeting and Calendar Updates
November 16, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
December 21, 2021; Truth in Taxation Hearing at 6:01 pm followed immediately by the regular School Board Meeting
January 18, 2022; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
February 15, 2022; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm

XII. Adjournment -ACTION

^ = Guideline for public comments: Three minutes per person, 15 minutes maximum per topic; complaints about personnel or individuals are not allowed; no board action will be taken during public comment; this is the only time during the meeting that audience participation will be allowed unless scheduled prior to the meeting.    

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