November 13, 2019 Agenda

Independent School District #238                                     

Mabel-Canton, Minnesota

School Board Meeting Agenda

November 13, 2019

Regular Meeting 6:00 pm



I.    Call to Order   


II.   Pledge of Allegiance


III.  Agenda Changes/Additions 


IV.  Approval of Minutes

  1. Minutes of the School Board Regular Meeting, October 15, 2019


V.   Chairperson’s Announcements/Presentations

  1. Good Things happening

  2. Public Participation

  3. FFA National Conference Presentation by Students


VI.  Consent Agenda-ACTION

  1. Donation from:

  • Scheie Rebecca Circle Donation of $200.00 to be used for Child Activities, such as field trips, ski trips etc.

  1. Notice of resignation from Abby Henry as Title/SPED Para on December 20, 2019.

  2. Winter Coach Approval

  1. ISD 238 Budget

    1. 2019-20 Budget

    2. HS Activity Payments

  1. Invoices

  2. Electronic Fund Transfers

VII. Reports

  1. Student Representatives

  2. PreK-12 Principal

  3. Superintendent


VIII. Enrollment 


IX. Items for Action and/or Discussion

  1. Senior Request for last days off at end of year-ACTION

  2. World’s Best Work Force Presentation-ACTION

  3. Canvas School Board Election Results-ACTION

  4. Acceptance and Oath of Office--ACTION

  5. Tuition Rate Agreement-ACTION

  6. North Winn Acknowlegdement-ACTION


X. Future Meeting and Calendar Updates

  1. December 17, 2019; Truth and Taxation/School Board Meeting, 6:00pm

  2. January 21, 2020; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm

  3. February 18, 2020; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm

XI. Adjournment -ACTION


^ = Guideline: Three minutes per person; 15 minutes maximum, complaints about personnel or individuals are not allowed, no board action is to be taken at this time, this is the only time during the meeting that audience participation will be allowed unless scheduled prior.

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