Independent School District #238
Mabel-Canton, Minnesota
School Board Meeting Agenda
October 20, 2020
Regular Meeting 6:00 pm
Media Center
Due to the current federal and state emergency declarations and guidance about limiting person-to-person contact due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, meetings of the Mabel-Canton school board will be conducted in accordance with Minnesota Statute 13D.021-Meetings by Telephone or Other Electronic Means-until further notice.
As a result, the October 20, 2020 Mabel-Canton school board meeting will take place at 6:00 pm in the library with one or more board members possibly participating by telephone or other electronic means.
I. Call to Order
II. Pledge of Allegiance
III. Agenda Changes/Additions
IV. Approval of Minutes
Minutes of the School Board Regular Meeting, September 15, 2020
Minutes of the Joint School Board/City Council Meeting, September 23, 2020
V. Chairperson’s Announcements
A. Public Participation and Recognition
VI. Consent Agenda-ACTION
A. ISD 238 Budget
1. 2020-21 Budget
2. Activity Accounts
B. Invoices
C. Electronic Fund Transfers
D. Resignation from Brady Livingood, Custodian
E. Hire Amy Drinkall, LPN for 2 hours/day
F. Donations:
1. Booster Club - 300 masks for students
Sheri Borcherding - M-C Cougar Bleacher Seat
Kelly Brenno Carpenter - 375 Lanyards for holding masks
Carlena Gallagher - 60 sets of earbuds for use in computer labs & 15 volleyballs for recess
Waterloo Ridge Lutheran Church - School Supplies
VII. Reports
Student Representatives
PreK-12 Principal
VIII. Enrollment
IX. Items for Action and/or Discussion
Superintendent Evaluation - ACTION
Review and Comment from MDE - DISCUSSION
One Hour/Day Increase in Nursing Position - ACTION
Set Board Meeting to Canvass Election Results - ACTION
Agreement between Mabel-Canton Schools and Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center for the 2020-21 School Year - ACTION
Review Learning Models - DISCUSSION and/or ACTION
X. Future Meeting and Calendar Updates
November 17, 2020; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
December 15, 2020; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
January 19, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
February 16, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
XII. Adjournment -ACTION
^ = Guideline: Three minutes per person; 15 minutes maximum, complaints about personnel or individuals are not allowed, no board action is to be taken at this time, this is the only time during the meeting that audience participation will be allowed unless scheduled prior.