June 16, 2020 Agenda

Independent School District #238                                     

Mabel-Canton, Minnesota

School Board Meeting Agenda

June 16, 2020

Regular Meeting 6:00 pm

Media Center, 


Due to the current federal and state emergency declarations and guidance about limiting person-to-person contact due to the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic, all meetings of the Mabel-Canton school board will be conducted in accordance with Minnesota Statute 13D.021-Meetings by Telephone or Other Electronic Means-until further notice.


Consistent with the federal and state guidance, the board chair and superintendent have determined that an in-person meeting is not practical or prudent because of the current pandemic.


As a result, the June 16, 2020 Mabel-Canton school board meeting will take place at 6:00 pm in the library with one or more board members possibly participating by telephone or other electronic means.


In accordance with Minnesota Statute 13D.021, members of the public are not permitted to attend this meeting due to the current health pandemic.  Persons may monitor this meeting from a remote location by contacting the phone number:  1.417.719.7739,  PIN  176742356#




I.    Call to Order


II.   Pledge of Allegiance


III. Agenda Changes/Additions 


IV. Approval of Minutes

  1. Minutes of the School Board Regular Meeting, May 19, 2020.


V. Chairperson’s Announcements

  1. Good Things Happening: 

  1.  Q-Comp Program Review-Susie Munroe


B.  Public Participation and Recognition



VI. Consent Agenda-ACTION                                                                                                                                                 


  1. ISD 238 Budget

    1. 2019-20 Budget

    2. Activity Accounts

  2. Invoices

  3. Electronic Fund Transfers

  4. Resignation from Lisa Halverson as Preschool Paraprofessional

  5. Maternity Leave request from Pam Rasmussen from beginning of 2020-21 school year through Friday, November 6, 2020

  6. Contract for Laura Horihan as the new High School English teacher 

  7. Resignation from Kaitlin Bratland as Special Education teacher


VII. Reports 

  1. Student Representatives

  2. PreK-12 Principal

  3. Superintendent


VIII. Enrollment


IX. Items for Action and/or Discussion

  1. Senior Student Activity Account - ACTION and/or DISCUSSION

  2. Approve Laura Hosting to work in library one day a week for the Summer - ACTION

  3. Approve Lisa Halverson as High School Secretary - ACTION

  4. FY21 Preliminary Budget - ACTION

  5. Resolution for membership in MSHSL in 20-21 - ACTION

  6. Approve Gary Kuphal as the Identified Official with Authority (IWoA) and as the user for the Education Identity and Access Management Security System - ACTION

  7. Move July board meeting date from July 21 to July 28 - ACTION

  8. First reading of Extra-Curricular Handbook for 20-21 - DISCUSSION

  9. First reading of PreK-12 Handbook for 20-21 - DISCUSSION

  10. Recommendations for 2020-21 from the Facilities and Capital Outlay Committee - ACTION

  11. Membership in MREA - ACTION

  12. Printer/Copier Agreement - ACTION

  13. Forecast Five Software - ACTION 


X. Future Meeting and Calendar Updates

  1. July ??, 2020; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm

  2. August 18, 2020; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm

  3. September 15, 2020; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm 


XI. Adjournment -ACTION


^ = Guideline: Three minutes per person; 15 minutes maximum, complaints about personnel or individuals are not allowed, no board action is to be taken at this time, this is the only time during the meeting that audience participation will be allowed unless scheduled prior.   

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