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Phy Ed 10: Syllabus
Phy Ed 10
10th Grade Physical Education
I. Movement Skills
A. The student will demonstrate a variety of basic fundamental techniques to improve overall speed, quickness, and jumping ability.
1. The student will demonstrate proper form in the following areas:
a. running forward
b. running backward
c. lateral running
d. basic mechanics of jumping
B. Student will demonstrate total body strength improvement.
1. The student will demonstrate proper form in strength training exercises
C. Student will demonstrate how to do social dances such as the polka, fox trot, waltz, jitterbug, and two step.
1. The student will demonstrate the following:
a. proper form
b. proper steps
c. proper style
d. proper rhythm
D. Student reviews rhythmic activities previously introduced in earlier grades such as football, volleyball, soccer, etc.
1. The student demonstrates proper technique and organization in the mentioned sports activities
E. Student reviews sport specific skills in team sports (football, basketball, volleyball, etc.)
1. The student demonstrates sports specific skills
2. The student demonstrates knowledge of the rules and regulations
3. The student demonstrates knowledge of the equipment used
F. Student understands that all movement and sports are forms of self expression.
1. The student demonstrates the carry over effect in sports and that all movement is a form of self expression a. student will discuss the carry over effect of football to basketball
b. student will discuss the carry over effect of baseball to football
c. student will discuss the carry over effect of racket sports to almost all hand eye dominate sports
II. Motor Skills
A. Student demonstrates an understanding of a general and sport specific warm-up.
1. The student will demonstrate a knowledge and use of sports specific warm-up in the following areas:
a. aerobic exercises
b. flexibility-static stretching
c. flexibility-dynamic stretching
B. Student demonstrates an understanding of specific sports training and conditioning
1. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the necessity of being in over all shape and the time factor needed in this endeavor:
a. aerobic fitness
b. muscular fitness
c. anaerobic fitness
C. Student demonstrates an understanding of the basic fundamentals of sport specific skills with an understanding of the critical elements in that skill. 1. The student will demonstrate the ability to prioritize sports specific skills in the following areas:
a. volleyball
b. football
c. basketball
d. baseball
e. skating
d. cross country skiing
f. skating broomball
D. Student understands the importance of organization and playing with a plan of strategy in all the sports studied.
1. The student will demonstrate an understanding of playing with a plan in the following activities:
a. volleyball
b. football
c. wrestling
d. basketball
e. skating broomball
f. badminton
g. tennis
H. soccer
i. cross country skiing
III. The student will understand and participate in activities.
A. Student will demonstrate an understanding of a daily, “hopefully habit forming,” routine of proper warm-up (stretching, etc.) before engaging in physical activity.
1. The student will demonstrate an understanding of developing a exercise routine in the following areas:
a. aerobic fitness
d. flexibility-static
e. flexibility-dynamic
f. strength exercises
IV. Physical Fitness
A. Student will demonstrate an understanding of cardiorespiratory endurance through the practice and running of the timed mile
1. The student will run the mile run as practice and as a test.
B. Student feels how ones body adapts to a variety of stresses over time, e.g. strength improvement during weight training, cardiovascular improvement during aerobic activities, and stretching specifically measured in the Presidential Physical Fitness Sit and Reach Test.
1. The student will compare his test results with the national norms and his past performances
C. Student will demonstrate an understanding of the area of stretching and developing flexibility due to time constraints is a major concern.
1. The student will practice flexibility for 5 minutes each day.
D. Student is shown how they ranked nationally in areas tested in the Presidential Physical Fitness Test.
1. Student also compares their past and present performances in the test.
E. Student is aware of how their body responds during different intensive activities.’
1. The student will evaluate their body’s response to different intensities of exercise.
V. Sportsmanship
A.The student will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of respect for themselves and all others associated with the sports environment (eg. officials, coaches, opponents, fans, etc.).
1. The student will demonstrate the appropriate level of respect towards others during activities.
B. Student understands the need for rules, knowledge, procedure, and safe practices in any physical activity. (Specifically at M-C the following activities: football, soccer, volleyball, hockey, basketball, wrestling, gymnastics, ice skating (hockey, broomball), skiing, baseball, and strength training.)
1. The student will demonstrate the appropriate behavior during activities.
C. Student is made aware of the proper attitudinal balance between winning and losing.
1. The student will demonstrate the proper effort and appropriate attitude during activities.
D. Student will demonstrate an understanding of the innate differences in physical ability.
1. The student will show respect to others during activities.
E. Student work together in a synergetic process.
1. The student will demonstrate the ability to work with others
VI. Applied Writing - as part of a school wide across the curriculum writing program, the student will research and compose an autobiography
A. Student will write the first five chapters of this autobiography during their ninth grade year.
1. The student will write and hand in a one to one and half page paper on the assigned chapters at the appropriate time.
a. The student will demonstrate proper spelling, punctuation, and organization of thought in each of the following chapter essays:
1 - Accomplishments and Setbacks
2 - Turning Point of their life
3 - Philosophy of Life
4 - Goals
5 - Book Cover, Dedication Page, Table of Contents
I. Movement Skills
A. The student will demonstrate a variety of basic fundamental techniques to improve overall speed, quickness, and jumping ability.
1. The student will demonstrate proper form in the following areas:
a. running forward
b. running backward
c. lateral running
d. basic mechanics of jumping
B. Student will demonstrate total body strength improvement.
1. The student will demonstrate proper form in strength training exercises
C. Student will demonstrate how to do social dances such as the polka, fox trot, waltz, jitterbug, and two step.
1. The student will demonstrate the following:
a. proper form
b. proper steps
c. proper style
d. proper rhythm
D. Student reviews rhythmic activities previously introduced in earlier grades such as football, volleyball, soccer, etc.
1. The student demonstrates proper technique and organization in the mentioned sports activities
E. Student reviews sport specific skills in team sports (football, basketball, volleyball, etc.)
1. The student demonstrates sports specific skills
2. The student demonstrates knowledge of the rules and regulations
3. The student demonstrates knowledge of the equipment used
F. Student understands that all movement and sports are forms of self expression.
1. The student demonstrates the carry over effect in sports and that all movement is a form of self expression a. student will discuss the carry over effect of football to basketball
b. student will discuss the carry over effect of baseball to football
c. student will discuss the carry over effect of racket sports to almost all hand eye dominate sports
II. Motor Skills
A. Student demonstrates an understanding of a general and sport specific warm-up.
1. The student will demonstrate a knowledge and use of sports specific warm-up in the following areas:
a. aerobic exercises
b. flexibility-static stretching
c. flexibility-dynamic stretching
B. Student demonstrates an understanding of specific sports training and conditioning
1. The student will demonstrate an understanding of the necessity of being in over all shape and the time factor needed in this endeavor:
a. aerobic fitness
b. muscular fitness
c. anaerobic fitness
C. Student demonstrates an understanding of the basic fundamentals of sport specific skills with an understanding of the critical elements in that skill. 1. The student will demonstrate the ability to prioritize sports specific skills in the following areas:
a. volleyball
b. football
c. basketball
d. baseball
e. skating
d. cross country skiing
f. skating broomball
D. Student understands the importance of organization and playing with a plan of strategy in all the sports studied.
1. The student will demonstrate an understanding of playing with a plan in the following activities:
a. volleyball
b. football
c. wrestling
d. basketball
e. skating broomball
f. badminton
g. tennis
H. soccer
i. cross country skiing
III. The student will understand and participate in activities.
A. Student will demonstrate an understanding of a daily, “hopefully habit forming,” routine of proper warm-up (stretching, etc.) before engaging in physical activity.
1. The student will demonstrate an understanding of developing a exercise routine in the following areas:
a. aerobic fitness
d. flexibility-static
e. flexibility-dynamic
f. strength exercises
IV. Physical Fitness
A. Student will demonstrate an understanding of cardiorespiratory endurance through the practice and running of the timed mile
1. The student will run the mile run as practice and as a test.
B. Student feels how ones body adapts to a variety of stresses over time, e.g. strength improvement during weight training, cardiovascular improvement during aerobic activities, and stretching specifically measured in the Presidential Physical Fitness Sit and Reach Test.
1. The student will compare his test results with the national norms and his past performances
C. Student will demonstrate an understanding of the area of stretching and developing flexibility due to time constraints is a major concern.
1. The student will practice flexibility for 5 minutes each day.
D. Student is shown how they ranked nationally in areas tested in the Presidential Physical Fitness Test.
1. Student also compares their past and present performances in the test.
E. Student is aware of how their body responds during different intensive activities.’
1. The student will evaluate their body’s response to different intensities of exercise.
V. Sportsmanship
A.The student will demonstrate an understanding of the importance of respect for themselves and all others associated with the sports environment (eg. officials, coaches, opponents, fans, etc.).
1. The student will demonstrate the appropriate level of respect towards others during activities.
B. Student understands the need for rules, knowledge, procedure, and safe practices in any physical activity. (Specifically at M-C the following activities: football, soccer, volleyball, hockey, basketball, wrestling, gymnastics, ice skating (hockey, broomball), skiing, baseball, and strength training.)
1. The student will demonstrate the appropriate behavior during activities.
C. Student is made aware of the proper attitudinal balance between winning and losing.
1. The student will demonstrate the proper effort and appropriate attitude during activities.
D. Student will demonstrate an understanding of the innate differences in physical ability.
1. The student will show respect to others during activities.
E. Student work together in a synergetic process.
1. The student will demonstrate the ability to work with others
VI. Applied Writing - as part of a school wide across the curriculum writing program, the student will research and compose an autobiography
A. Student will write the first five chapters of this autobiography during their ninth grade year.
1. The student will write and hand in a one to one and half page paper on the assigned chapters at the appropriate time.
a. The student will demonstrate proper spelling, punctuation, and organization of thought in each of the following chapter essays:
1 - Accomplishments and Setbacks
2 - Turning Point of their life
3 - Philosophy of Life
4 - Goals
5 - Book Cover, Dedication Page, Table of Contents