No School or After School Activities on Tuesday, Jan. 21st. Stay warm!

Math 8: Syllabus

Math 8 Syllabus
Instructor: Mr. Doug Wyffels, Room 306, 493-5422 ext. 251

Course Description: This course is designed to give the student a beginning coverage of the traditional Algebra concepts. These will be the minimum of what will be needed to be successful in college. This course is a prerequisite for Geometry and Applied Math.

Textbooks: 1. Key to Algebra (packets) 2. Algebra; Fair and Bragg; Copyright 1993; published by: Prentice Hall

Course Outline: The course will consist of units that are in a sequence that enables students to acquire all important algebra skills and to reason mathematically.

2.Variables, Terms and Expressions
5.Rational Numbers
6.Multiplying and Dividing Rational Expressions
7.Adding and Subtracting Rational Expressions
9.Systems of Equations
10.Square Roots and Quadratic Equations

Daily work and Attendance: There will usually be an assignment each day over the material covered in class. Students are expected to complete assignments, which are corrected in class by the students. Points are based completion and accuracy of assignments.

Tests and Quizzes: There will be 1 to 2 quizzes per week and a test at the end of each unit.

Grading: Grades will be based on a 90-80-70-60% scale. (90% and above being an A, 80-89% a B, and so on) Students are graded on total points of Tests, Quizzes and homework assignments.

Missed Assignments and Tests: Students will be given one week to make up missed assignments and/or tests. If completed after that time they will receive a reduced number of points.

Cheating: Cheating on test or quizzes will not be tolerated. This is unacceptable behavior. The first offense will result in a grade of F for the exam. A second offense will result in a grade of F for the quarter.


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