August 20th, 2013

August 20, 2013
The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met in regular session on Tuesday, August 20, 2013 at 7:00 pm in the board room.
Members present: Kuhn, Adkins, Loppnow, Soiney, Swenson, and Supt. Backer
Members absent: Hall, Weidemann
Also present: Hannah Wingert, Melissa VanderPlas, Jeff Nolte and Lynette Donald
The meeting was called to order by Chair Kuhn.
The Pledge of Allegiance was said.
Motion by Adkins, second by Swenson and carried unanimously, to approve the July 16, 2013 minutes with the following correction of Adkins being present at the July 16, 2013 meeting.
Chairperson’s Announcements; Good Things Happening and a thank you to Donald Gjere and Gjere Construction for the donated black dirt.
Motion by Loppnow, second by Adkins and carried unanimously, to approve the Consent Agenda
A. The approval of the 2013-14 Resolution for Membership into the Hiawatha Valley Education District (HVED)
B. The approval of the donation of 21 laptop computers from The React Center
C. The approval of the donation of the School Bus Transportation Contract between ISD 238 and Schmitz Bus Service
D. The approval of the hiring of Roger Lamm as the Agriculture Teacher, .6 FTE for school year 2013-14 (step 1, lane 1), pending background check and licensing
E. The approval of the hiring of Jill Kleckner as the EBD Teacher, .8 FTE, for school year 2013-14 (step 1, lane MA), pending background check and licensing
F. The approval of the hiring of Heidi Myhre as the Music Teacher, .5 FTE, for school year 2013-14 (step 15, lane 1), pending background check and licensing
G. The approval of the hiring of Heather Wilder as the English Teacher, 1.0 FTE, for school year 2013-14 (step 1, lane 1), pending background check and licensing
H. The approval of the resignation of Jackie Parker, Health Secretary
I. The approval of the Mabel Record as the official school district newspaper
J. The approval of the Joint Powers Agreement with the MnSCU System (PSEO), for school year 2013-14
K. The approval of the Special Student Services Agreement with Innovative Therapy Solutions, LLC, for school year 2013-14
L. The resignation of Lauren Lund, High School Language Arts Teacher
M. The resignation of Chelsey Ardinger, Title/High School Para

Motion by Loppnow, second by Soiney and carried unanimously to approve the following school district staff members for signatures on school year 2013-14 Bank of The West credit card application: Chris Hansen, Todd Netzke, Jennifer Backer, Mary Pat Kuhn, Troy Soiney, and Cristal Adkins, cards: Chris Hansen, Jennifer Backer, and Todd Netzke, with Credit Limit Amounts at $5,000.00 for Chris Hansen and Todd Netzke and $10,000.00 for Jennifer Backer
Financial report review presented by Supt. Backer regarding current budget
Motion by Swenson, second by Soiney and carried unanimously, to approve payment of monthly bills and Electronic Fund Transfers.
Reports and Presentations

Principal’s Report: Fall In-Service, Staffing Updates, Student and Staff Handbooks
Discussion related to school day cell phone usage during lunch time.

Superintendent’s Report: Fall In-Service, Staffing Updates/Appreciation

Motion by Soiney, second by Loppnow and carried unanimously, to approve the first reading of the Student Representative on the School Board Policy
Motion by Swenson, second by Adkins and carried unanimously, to approve setting the financial approval threshold for the Superintendent at $10,000.00

Motion by Loppnow, second by Soiney and carried unanimously, to approve the 2013-14 Student Handbook with Student Cell Phone usage during lunch time on a “trial basis”

Motion by Loppnow, second by Swenson and carried unanimously, to approve the 2013-14 Staff/Faculty Handbook

Motion by Adkins, second by Swenson and carried unanimously, to adjourn.
_____________________________________________________________________________________Crystal Adkins, Clerk

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