November 20, 2007

November 20, 2007
The Board of Directors of Independent School District #238 met in regular session on Tuesday, November 20, 2007 at 7:00 p.m.
Members present: Aberg, Adkins, Hall, Kuhn, Soiney, Swenson and Supt. Love

Absent: Laitinen

Also present: Lana Hollar, Mary Gallagher, Lloyd Johnson, Steve Salveson, Jason Boyton, Jeff Nolte and Chris Hansen

The meeting was called to order by Chair Kuhn.

Motion by Swenson, second by Adkins and carried unanimously, to approve the revised agenda.

Motion by Adkins, second by Hall and carried unanimously, to approve the October 16 minutes.

Motion by Hall, second by Adkins and carried unanimously, to approve monthly bills.

Steve Salveson, of Smith, Schafer and Associates, presented the 2007 audit with a power point presentation.

Motion by Adkins, second by Hall and carried unanimously, to accept the 2007 audit.

Discussion was held on adding more security cameras to the existing system.

Motion by Swenson, second by Aberg and carried unanimously, to approve Custom Alarm to add two security cameras on the exterior of the building and two more to the interior.

Motion by Hall, second by Soiney and carried unanimously, to approve a contract for Charissa Olson as family support worker for two days per week for the remainder of the 2007-2008 school year.

Motion by Adkins, second by Aberg and carried unanimously, to approve extended instruction time for Mr. Wiltgen and Mr. Hines for math intervention for 2nd and 3rd quarter.

Motion by Adkins, second by Hall and carried unanimously, to approve a contract for Laura Schulte as media coordinator for the 2007-2008 school year.

Motion by Swenson, second by Aberg and carried unanimously, to approve the 2007-2009 Teacher’s Master Agreement.
Motion by Swenson, second by Adkins and carried unanimously, to approve the 2007-2008 field trips as presented.

Motion by Aberg, second by Hall and carried unanimously, to approve the 2007-2008 fundraising activities as presented.

Supt. Love reported on the progress of the band room repair due to flooding. A sump pump has been installed in the affected area, and a FEMA grant is pending approval.

Principal Nolte reported on parent-teacher conference attendance, RTI math progress, complimented the students and staff on their successful fall sports season and updated the Board on recent conferences that had been attended.

Motion by Adkins, second by Hall and carried unanimously, to adjourn.

Kaye Laitinen, Clerk

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