January 13, 2009

January 13, 2009

The Board of Education of Independent School District No. 238 met in regular session on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 at 7:00 p.m. in the board room. Members present: Aberg, Adkins, Kuhn, Soiney, Swenson and Supt. Love; Absent: Hall and Jones.

Also present: Michelle Weidemann, Holly Becker, Jeff Nolte and Chris Hansen

The meeting was called to order by Supt. Love.

Motion by Adkins, second by Swenson and carried unanimously, to approve revised agenda.

Motion by Kuhn, second by Swenson and carried unanimously, to elect Cristal Adkins as Chair.

The meeting was turned over to Chair Adkins.

Motion by Swenson, second by Soiney and carried unanimously, to elect Brian Aberg as Vice-Chair.

Motion by Kuhn, second by Aberg and carried unanimously, to elect Dave Swenson as Clerk.

Motion by Kuhn, second by Aberg and carried unanimously, to elect Jane Hall as Treasurer.

Motion by Swenson, second by Kuhn and carried unanimously, that board salaries remain the same: officers at $850 and directors at $750 plus $40.00 for each additional meeting.

Motion by Swenson, second by Swenson and carried unanimously, to approve the following committee assignments:
HVED: Hall
Community Ed: Soiney, Adkins and Jones
Negotiations: Aberg, Kuhn, Swenson
MSHSL: Swenson

Motion by Kuhn, second by Aberg and carried unanimously, to designate Mabel News-Record as the official newspaper, to designate official depositories as Minnesota Liquid Asset Fund, Bank of the West of Mabel and The Canton State Bank and to designate KQYB, KTTC, WIZM, KDEC, WKBT, WXOW, KIMT and KROC as official communication channels.

Motion by Swenson, second by Kuhn and carried unanimously, to hold board meetings on the 3rd Tuesday of each month at 7:00 p.m. in the school conference room.

Motion by Kuhn, second by Soiney and carried unanimously, to designate Chris Hansen, Bev Bakke and Supt. Love to make electronic fund transfers for the district.

Motion by Aberg, second by Kuhn and carried unanimously, to approve the December 16, 2008 minutes.

Motion by Kuhn, second by Swenson and carried unanimously, to approve payment of the monthly bills with a clarification on Superior Lamp prices and comparison bids on replacement bulbs to be presented at the February board meeting.

The Board had the first reading of mandatory policy revisions: Policy 501 School Weapons Policy; Policy 506 School Discipline.

Motion by Kuhn, second by Aberg and carried unanimously, to hold the regular February board meeting on February 24.

Motion by Swenson, second by Kuhn and carried unanimously, to approve leave without pay for Rita Ross for March 16-20.

Supt. Love presented the Board with an enrollment projection spreadsheet through school year 2013. Supt. Love informed the Board that Mr. Nolte and she were working on budget reductions for the 2010 school year.

Principal Nolte recognized the week of February 23 as Para Professional Week and thanked the paraprofessionals for all they do for our Mabel-Canton students. Principal Nolte also provided a power point presentation on testing results and comparisons on academic test results with other area schools.

Motion by Kuhn, second by Aberg and carried unanimously, to adjourn.

Dave Swenson, Clerk

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