October 15, 2024 Minutes

School Board Regular Meeting Minutes

October 15th, 2024


The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met on Tuesday, October 15th, 2024 at 6:00 pm in Science Room #50 at the Mabel-Canton School, Mabel, MN. 


All members present in person: Cristal Adkins, Diane Wilder, Chris Miller, Mark Weidemann, Traci Livingood, Dustin Tollefsrud and Jason Marquardt

Present in person: Principal Michelle Weidemann, Superintendent Gary Kuphal, District Secretary Heather Kleiboer, Business Manager Aimee Lake, Student Representative Rachelle Tollefsrud, Charlene Selbee (Fillmore County Journal), and Kati Bergey. Sue Peterson of ISG, Jason Peterson of Kraus-Anderson and Andrew Forliti, CPA with Smith Schaefer were also present.

Teacher Jordan Nelson was present via technology.

The meeting was called to order by Cristal Adkins at 6:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Motion byJason Marquardt, second by Traci Livingood  and carried unanimously, to approve the revised agenda for tonight’s meeting, adding the following:

  • X. Items for Action and/or Discussion
    • H. Policy 721 - Uniform Grant Guidance, 1st Reading - DISCUSSION

Motion by Diane Wilder, second by Dustin Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to approve the September 17th, 2024 minutes. 


Motion by Jason Marquardt, seconded by Mark Weidemann to approve the Audit results, motion carries. 


Survey Results for Potential Bond Referendum-ACTION- Cristal Adkins made a motion to approve, Traci Livingood seconded the motion which led to a roll call. Motion passed unanimously. Chris Miller wanted to thank everyone in the committee that is involved in this process and for those that gathered for the meeting. Mr. Kuphal also stated that he is very comfortable with proceeding with this motion as the results were very positive.


Motion by Mark Weidemann, second by Traci Livingood (Dustin Tollefsrud abstained) and carried unanimously to approve the Consent Agenda with many thanks for the donations:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       

A. Claims Report

B.  Hire Dustin Tollefsrud as Drama Club Coach

C.  Donations:

  • Pizza & Drinks for Homecoming Dance donated by M-C Booster Club
  • Water & Chips for Homecoming Tailgate Meal donated by Mabel Fire Department
  • Free rental of Community Center for Homecoming Dance donated by City of Mabel
  • Trap Set for School Band donated by Stephanie Liddiard


Student Representatives gave updates on the following topics:

  • Rachelle Tollefsrud spoke about upcoming play off games and how great the seasons have been so far for the Football and Volleyball teams, mentioning that Homecoming week was great. She reminded everyone that the FFA National Convention is coming up, that several members will be attending, and that FFA members are still selling FFA Fruit. The Band/Choir/Drama students just finished their Butterbraid fundraiser. She was looking forward to College week, and noted that the end of the Quarter is Nov. 1st. 


  • Curriculum Review-No report
    • Facilities and Capital Outlay -No Report
  • Policy Committee -No report
    • Hiawatha Valley Education District -Diane Wilder announced that she had no report other than to mention that one of the HVED teachers has a son who went  missing while on a hiking trip, and to keep her in our thoughts. 
  • Southeast Service Cooperative - No report

PreK-12 Principal

- This year we are sending more students to the Young Author’s Conference, we will be sending some 6, 7 and 8th graders in addition to the ages that typically attend. 

- College week is in place to start next week, there will be opportunities for families to get set up with their FAFSA and getting students started on their scholarship applications. 

- Good luck to all of the fall teams! There will be a kick off pep fest on Tuesday prior to play off games. 

- Bluff Country Collaborative--Michelle attended a meeting that presented about how to expose our kids to trades, but to keep them in our area and use apprenticeships and internships to give them experience. 

- She also expressed thanks to Dustin Tollefsrud for taking on the role of Drama Coach, and being able to offer another opportunity for our students to participate in another area.



  • MREA Board Vacancy - no one was interested
  • Report on the Broken Sewer Line below the Science Room; Bill Richardson was here diligently throughout this process. They do not believe the break was due to any recent construction. Bill did a fantastic job with communication and repair.  Our insurance agent is checking on a deductible and what is covered. The state inspector will come and as soon as the project is approved, they will move on to have Gjere’s construction come and finish the concrete replacement. 
  • Lappins was here to do the required clean out in the Coach’s area after the mess. 
  • We need to fix a water leak before the boiler system can be turned on.
  • Solar Panel report- Notices are out to Contractors for proposals. Gary will have more information at the November meeting.

 Items for Action and/or Discussion:

C.  Snow Removal Bids - Four Season Asphalt Maintenance was the only bid received. Mr. Kuphal recommended approval. Motion by Jason Marquardt, seconded by Traci Livingood to approve the motion. Motion carried.

D.  Fillmore County Foster Care Transportation Agreement -this is done annually at no cost. Approval is recommended. Motion by Chris Miller, seconded by Diane Wilder to approve. Marquardt abstains, motion carries.

E.  Advisor & Winter Coaches List - Motion by Mark Weidemann, seconded by Traci Livingood to approve. Wilder and Tollefsrud abstain, motion carries.

F.   Election of MSDLAF Trustees -Pass

G.  Form A Application to MSHSL Foundation - Motion by Jason Marquardt, seconded by Traci Livingood to approve. Roll call, motion carries.

      H.     Policy 721 - Uniform Grant Guidance, 1st Reading - DISCUSSION


Adjournment: Motion by Jason Marquardt, second by Diane Wilder, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:57 pm. 


Future Meeting and Calendar Updates

  1. November 19, 2024; School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm
  2. December 4, 2024; Joint City Council/School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm
  3. December 17, 2024; School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm
  4. January 21, 2025; School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm

Jason Marquardt, Clerk ________________________________________________________



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