May 21, 2024 Minutes

School Board Regular Meeting Minutes

May 21, 2024


The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met on Tuesday, May 21, 2024 at 6:00 pm in Science Room #50 at the Mabel-Canton School, Mabel, MN. 


Members present in person: Jason Marquardt, Traci Livingood, Dustin Tollefsrud, Diane Wilder, Chris Miller, Mark Weidemann, Superintendent Gary Kuphal, Student Representatives Rachelle Tollefsrud 

Also present in person: Principal Weidemann, District Secretary Lisa Halverson, Charlene Selbee (Fillmore County Journal), Kent Whitcomb from MIEnergy

Present via visible-audible technology: Cristal Adkins, Aimee Lake, Lana Hollar, Brok Johnson from Solar Connections

Members absent:  Student Representative Izabella Gerleman and Katrinda Whalen


The meeting was called to order by Chris Miller at 6:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Motion by Jason Marquardt, second by Traci Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the Agenda with no changes being made. 


Motion by Diane Wilder, second by Dustin Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to approve the April 16, 2024 minutes. 


Consent Agenda: Motion by Traci Livingood, second by Mark Weidemann and carried unanimously,  to approve the following with many thanks for the donations:                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        

A.  2023-24 Budget

B.  Claims Report

C.  $2,500 to Paula Snell for District Assessment Coordinator 

D.  Resignation from Paula Snell as District Assessment Coordinator

E.  Retirement from Richard Bjertness as Custodian

F.  Donations:

  • $1,000 from MN Deer Hunter Association & Mabel Sportsmen Club for Archery Equipment
  • $1,000 from Mabel-Canton Booster Club for Band/Choir trip transportation


  1. Student Representatives gave updates on the following topics:
  • Prom was May 4th - thank you to Junior class parents for a great post prom!
  • Band/Choir trip to Lion King at the Orpheum Theatre in Minneapolis 
  • Seniors’ last day will be this Friday
  • Baccalaureate was held this past Sunday
  • Choir and Band recently held their Spring concerts
  1. Committees:
  • HVED - starting ESP Negotiations.  Renovations will start this Summer on the new building.
  1. PreK-12 Principal

- Track & Field Day was last Friday - Thank you to Lonnie, parents, and volunteers!

- M-C was awarded a $1,200 TECUP Grant - this will be used for technology needs next school year.

- Foreign Exchange Coordinator, Donna Ryan thanks all who participate and help the foreign exchange program.  

- Reading Corp Specialist, Peyton has done a great job in her role this year.

- Still looking to fill a Full Time Custodian position and Para position.


  1. Superintendent
  • Finishing up Senior Exit Interviews tomorrow.
  • Due to the timing of expected high winds, school was released at 1:15 today.
  • Local family is interested in donating to the school in memory of mother - will get back to Mr. Kuphal with dollar amount.
  • Mr. Kuphal plans to meet with Iowa families tomorrow evening to explain there is nothing more we can do for the Decorah/M-C agreement.  He will recommend the families move forward with the legal Educational guardianship process if they wish to continue to attend Mabel-Canton.  

 Items for Action and/or Discussion

A.   Discussion was held on Solar Array for the school district.  If approved for the State Solar for Schools Grant, 40% of the total cost of the project would be paid by the grant.  We would be eligible for the Federal Government to pay an additional 30% of the total cost equalling a total of 70% total paid.  Gary and Aimee Lake will gather financial data with Brok Johnson from Solar Connection and bring back to the Board in June.

B. A Community Facility Group has been invited to meet June 12th at 7:30pm with ISG and Kraus-Anderson in the Mabel-Canton Media Center to voice opinions as we plan for improvements in our school facilities.   

C. A special board meeting has been scheduled for June 4th at 6:00pm to continue discussion on both Solar Array and the potential bond referendum.  


Adjournment: Motion by Jason Marquardt, second by Diane Wilder, and carried unanimously to adjourn the meeting at 7:23 pm. 


Future Meeting and Calendar Updates

  1. June 4, 2024; Special School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
  2. June 18, 2024; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
  3. July 16, 2024; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
  4. August 20, 2024; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm

Jason Marquardt, Clerk ________________________________________________________



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