Please note DATE CHANGES: 

The High School Band/Choir Concert has been moved to Dec. 9th at 7 pm. 

Please make note of these changes. 

November 21, 2023 Minutes

School Board Regular Meeting Minutes

November 21, 2023


The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met on Tuesday, November 21st, 2023 at 6:00 pm in Science Room #50.


Members present in person: Cristal Adkins, Dustin Tollefsrud, Diane Wilder, Jason Marquardt, Mark Weidemann, Chris Miller, Traci Livingood, Superintendent Gary Kuphal, Student Representative Rachelle Tollefsrud

Also present in person: Principal Weidemann, District Secretary Lisa Halverson, Charlene Selbee, Carlena Gallagher, Stacey Wilson, Lonnie Morken

Members absent:  Student Representative Anna Wheat


The meeting was called to order by Cristal Adkins at 6:00 pm.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Motion by Dustin Tollefsrud, second by Diane Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the agenda.


Motion by Chris Miller, second by Traci Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the October 17, 2023 minutes.


Consent Agenda:  Motion by Mark Weidemann, second by Traci Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the following, with many thanks for all the donations:

A.  2023-24 Budget

B.  Claims Report

C.  Donations:

  • $200 from American Legion Auxiliary for Pep Band Bus to State VB
  • $100 from First Southeast Bank for Milk Break Program
  • Back to School Breakfast for Staff during Inservice Week from Taher Food Service/Jane Hall

D.  Winter Coaches List



  1. Student -
  • Honor Band recently performed at Southland.  Michelle will share the video with School Board members.
  • M-C Varsity Volleyball team placed 4th at State this year.
  • National Honor Society is working on collecting gifts for community members.
  • The senior class finalized their softener salt fundraiser.
  • Parent/Teacher conferences were held last week.
  • Veterans Day Program was held last Monday.
  • Boys and Girls basketball has started.
  1. Committees:
  • World’s Best Workforce - No Report
  • Curriculum Review - No Report
  • Facilities and Capital Outlay - No report.
  • Policy Committee - No report.
  • COVID-19 Committee - No report.
  • Hiawatha Valley Education District - The building purchase has not been finalized yet, but anticipated to move forward at their next meeting.
  • Southeast Service Cooperative - The annual turkey dinner was held last week.  Future Forward and Audit updates were given.    


  1. PreK-12 Principal - 
  •  90-100% of Elementary families attended Parent/Teacher conferences last week.  About 50% of High School families attended.
  • DASH program for Elementary students and Beyond the Bell program for 7-12th grade students start next week.
  • Fillmore County provided Mental Health Contact information- these have been posted throughout the school and will be updated in the handbook.
  • Congratulations to the volleyball team and coaches on placing 4th at state.  Thank you to Mr. Farnen and the band for performing at state.
  • The Fall sports banquet is tonight.
  • Michelle will be advertising for a Drama Coach and Special Education Para.
  • Congratulations to the Scholar Club students and thank you to Corrine Haugen for speaking.  
  1. Superintendent - 
  • The State of MN has authorized $40,000 to each district and HVED to help pay for nursing/counseling staffing positions.  M-C will advertise for a school Counselor or Social Worker.  
  • MSBA Conference will be held January 11th and 12th.  Interested board members should contact Gary.
  • Decorah agreed to meet with Gary, Cristal, and Chris on December 5th at 5:00 pm.  
  • M-C staff have been trained on Narcan administration and the school has been supplied with two doses per new statewide law.  Gary will contact MSBA asking for guidance on creating a policy and will report back at next month’s school board meeting.    

Enrollment was reviewed.  


Items for Action and/or Discussion

A.   Motion by Jason Marquardt, seconded by Traci Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the 3-year contracted HUDL streaming package for $11,000 annual fee.    

B.  Motion by Dustin Tollefsrud, seconded by Diane Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the 2-year Cooperative Sports Agreement between Mabel-Canton and Spring Grove for JV and Varsity Girls Basketball with hopes of returning the program to Mabel-Canton in the future.  Thank you to the M-C School Board and Spring Grove for this opportunity.  Thank you to the Mabel-Canton basketball girls for their positive attitudes throughout this experience.  

C.  Motion by Jason Marquardt, seconded by Dustin Tollefsrud and carried unanimously with a roll call vote to approve the Resolution Supporting Form A Application to MSHSL Foundation.   

D.  Michelle shared the WBWF updated report.  No action necessary.    

E.   Motion by Diane Wilder, seconded by Traci Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the $20,000 anonymous donation with many thanks!

F.   Motion by Jason Marquardt, seconded by Traci Livingood and carried unanimously, to set the Joint School Board/City Council meeting for January 17th, 2024 at 6:00pm.  Gary will reach out to the City Councils.       

G.   Policies 102, 214, 401, 402, 406, 410, 412, 413, 417, 418, 419, and 427 were brought forward for a 1st reading.  They will be brought forward at the December board meeting for a 2nd reading.  All other MSBA policies will be brought to the December meeting for a 1st reading, and in January for a 2nd reading.  Once they are all approved, we will tailor them to fit the needs at Mabel-Canton.  No action necessary.     


Future Meeting and Calendar Updates:

  1. December 19, 2023; School Board Meeting, 6:01 pm
  2. January 16, 2024; School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm
  3. January 17, 2024; Joint School Board/City Council Meeting, 6:00 pm
  4. February 20, 2024; School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm

Adjournment:  Motion by Dusting Tollefsrud, second by Traci Livingood, and carried unanimously to adjourn at 7:40 pm. 


Jason Marquardt, Clerk___________________________________


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