Please note DATE CHANGES: 

The High School Band/Choir Concert has been moved to Dec. 9th at 7 pm. 

Please make note of these changes. 

September 19, 2023 Minutes

School Board Regular Meeting Minutes

September 19, 2023


The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met on Tuesday, September 19th, 2023 at 6:00 pm in Science Room #50.


Members present in person: Dustin Tollefsrud, Diane Wilder, Jason Marquardt, Traci Livingood, Mark Weidemann, Chris Miller, Superintendent Gary Kuphal

Present via visible-audible technology: Jordan Nelson

Also present in person: Principal Weidemann, District Secretary Heather Kleiboer, Kati Bergey, Charlene Selbee

Members absent: Cristal Adkins


The meeting was called to order by Chris Miller at 6:00 pm.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Motion by Jason Marquardt, second by Dustin Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to approve the revised agenda.


Motion by Diane Wilder, second by Traci Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the August 24, 2023 minutes.


Consent Agenda:  Motion by Diane Wilder, second by Mark Weidemann and carried unanimously, to approve the following, with many thanks for all the donations:

A.  2021-22 Budget

B.  Claims Report

C.  Donations

D.  Hire Sandra Bensonas Pre-School Para for 19.5 hrs/week

E.  Hire Jordan Riska-Taylor as Custodian for 40 hrs/week



  1. Student - Not in attendance
  2. Committees:
  • World’s Best Workforce - No Report
  • Curriculum Review - No Report
  • Facilities and Capital Outlay - No Report
  • Policy Committee -No Report
  • COVID-19 Committee -  Will be addressed later in the meeting
  • Hiawatha Valley Education District - No Report
  • Southeast Service Cooperative - No Report


  1. PreK-12 Principal - 
  •  Thank you to the Miller family for hosting the Annual Miller Invitational again this year in their new shed! It was a great event with 12 schools and around 150 students in attendance. 
  • Homecoming week kicks off this Sunday with Coronation. Lots of events are being planned and coordinated. All of those events are posted on the website.  Thank you to the Booster Club for hosting the Tailgate party after the parade next week on Friday. 
  • Updated the board on the hiring of a new janitor and also noted that two students (Gabe Roy and Nate Nordsving) will also be helping out throughout the year. 
  • 2 Foreign Exchange students are attending MC this year: Candela Jimenez-Diez is from Spain and living with Mike and Heather Kleiboer, Yasmine Sader is from Palestine, and is living with Rob and Lori Schutte.
  • New Bus evacuation drills are in place and have been executed with students. 
  1. Superintendent - 
  •  Gary was able to attend the meeting tonight due to a change in his schedule. 
  • Spoke about an upcoming visit with MREA in October

Items for Action and/or Discussion

A.   Motion by Jason Marquardt, seconded by Traci Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the Purchase of Service Agreement for Transportation of Children & Youth or Foster Care Placement.

B. Motion by Diane Wilder, seconded by Traci Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the Levy Limit and Proposed Levy Certification-Maximum Amount.

C. Motion by Jason Marquardt, seconded by Mark Weidemann and carried unanimously, to approve and set the date for Truth-in-Taxation Hearing and Final Levy Certification. Time set for 6:01 pm on Tuesday, Dec. 19th, immediately followed by the regular board meeting.

D. Joint City Council/School Board meeting-Gary asked if the board wanted him to approach the city and ask for a joint meeting again this year. Many of the board members agreed that yes, this is a good idea to maintain good communication with the cities of Mabel and Canton.

E. Motion by Traci Livingood, seconded by Jason Marquardt and carried unanimously, to approve COVID Protocols for 2023-2024 School Year.  

Future Meeting and Calendar Updates:

  1. October 17, 2023; School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm
  2. November 21, 2023; School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm
  3. December 19, 2023; School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm

Adjournment:  Motion by Jason Marquardt, second by Mark Weideman, and carried unanimously to adjourn at 6:22pm. 


Jason Marquardt, Clerk___________________________________


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