February 21, 2023 Minutes

School Board Regular Meeting Minutes

February 21, 2023


The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met on Tuesday, February 21st, 2023 at 6:00 pm in Science Room #50.


Members present in person: Adkins, Weidemann, Tollefsrud, Wilder, Miller, Livingood, Superintendent Kuphal and Student Representative Matthew McClimon 

Also present in person: Principal Weidemann, District Secretary Lisa Halverson, Tina Swenson, Jill Kleckner 

Present via visible-audible technology:  Charlene Selbee with Fillmore County Journal, Deb Marcotte from HVED arrived at 6:50pm.  

Member absent:  Marquardt, Student Representative Anna Wheat 


The meeting was called to order by Chair Adkins at 6:00 pm.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Motion by Miller, second by Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to approve the revised agenda.


Motion by Wilder, second by Miller and carried unanimously, to approve the January 17, 2023 minutes.


Consent Agenda:  Motion by Wilder, second by Weidemann and carried unanimously, to approve the following, with many thanks for all the donations:

A.  2021-22 Budget

B.  Claims Report

C.  Donations:

  • Alto Saxophone donated by Chelsey Peterson
  • Sewing Supplies for Art Class Textile Unity donated by the following:
  • Lori Wilhelmson
  • Sue Christiansen Barker
  • Lorna Solberg Kaysten
  • Linda Payne Schwenn
  • Marsha Tollefson
  • Marilyn Eiken
  • Nicky Halverson
  • Brenda Ardinger
  • Joan & Harlan Thilges

D.  Resignation - Susie Munroe as JH Softball Coach



  1. Student Representative:
  • Sr. Raffle went well.  All 1,000 tickets were sold for the first time ever.  
  • A drive-through Turkey Dinner will be again this year on Sunday, March 19th.  
  • Snowball Dance will held for grades 7-12 on Saturday, March 4th at the Mabel Community Center.  
  • Dorian Band performance is coming up at the end of the month.  
  • FFA Week is this week.  Students are enjoying dress up days, and 5 teachers have been nominated to compete in “Kiss the Pig” on Friday.  All money raised will go to the Mabel Food Shelf.  
  1. Committees:
  • World’s Best Workforce -No Report
  • Curriculum Review - No Report
  • Facilities and Capital Outlay - In process of sifting through items- working on a list and estimates.  Will then prioritize and bring recommendations to the board.  
  • Policy Committee - No Report
  • COVID-19 Committee - Still reporting positive cases to MDE.  
  • Hiawatha Valley Education District -  No Report
  • Southeast Service Cooperative - Recognized Paras last week for Paraprofessional Week.  Also, currently looking for best options to relocate to Winona.  
  1. PreK-12 Principal - 
  •  Parent/Teacher Conferences are coming up on March 2nd & 7th.
  • M-C applied for a Telephone Coop grant for $10,000 - we were awarded $2,500.  This money will be used for classroom projection systems.
  • Still looking to fill the open Custodian position.  In the meantime, students have been offered after school work.  Applications are being accepted this week, and interviews will be held next week.  
  • Applications are being accepted for students interested in helping with the DASH program.  
  • Good luck to our basketball teams as they move forward with tournament play!
  • A meal was catered as a thank you to our Paras for Paraprofessional week.  
  1. Superintendent - Gary presented the School Board members with certificates for School Board Recognition month and thanked them for all they do!  
  • Gary shared upcoming workshop opportunities with the board.
  • Discussion was held on construction inflation costs- he will keep the board updated.
  • Custodian position - would consider hiring someone before school if that would help fill the position.
  • Deb Marcotte from HVED will be here at 6:45 to present.  
  • There is an upcoming MASA meeting with area Superintendents, Education Commissioner of MN, and Willie Jett. Gary plans to attend.
  • Ed Midwest has installed a new phone system, new camera system, and new sound system.  We went from 9 cameras to 50+ cameras.  The sound system includes the general PA system, gym system, and crows nest on the football field.  

Items for Action and/or Discussion

  1. Gary announced he would be willing to return for the 2023-24 school year.  The board was happy to hear this and agreed to move forward with scheduling negotiations.  The board thanked Gary for his decision to stay on as Superintendent!
  2. Motion by Wilder, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the Spring Coaches list as listed with the exception of Susie Munroe.  

Motion by Miller, second by Wilder and approved unanimously to take a short recess at 6:45pm until Deb Marcotte arrives.  The meeting reconvened at 6:53pm.  

  1. Deb gave a general update on HVED structures, programs, and services.  Deb added HVED is currently working on combining all facilities to one area and is looking at Winona.  

Future Meeting and Calendar Updates:

  1. March 21, 2023; School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm
  2. April 18, 2023; School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm
  3. May 16, 2023; School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm

Adjournment:  Motion by Miller, second by Livingood, and carried unanimously to adjourn at 7:15 pm. 


Jason Marquardt, Clerk___________________________________


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