No School or After School Activities on Tuesday, Jan. 21st. Stay warm!

September 20, 2022 School Board Minutes

School Board Regular Meeting Minutes

September 20, 2022


The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met on Tuesday, September 20th, 2022 at 6:00 pm in Science Room #50.


Members present in person: Weidemann, Tollefsrud, Wilder, Miller, Marquardt, Superintendent Kuphal

Members present via visible-audible technology: Livingood

Also present in person: Principal Weidemann, District Secretary Heather Kleiboer, Rich Wicks, Kati Bergey, Adam Wilder, Aimee Lake

Members Absent:  Adkins, Student Representative Matthew McClimon

Also present via Technology: Jordan Nelson


The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Miller at 6:00 pm.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Motion by Jason Marquardt, second by Mark Wiedemann, and carried unanimously, to approve the revised agenda.


Motion by Mark Weidemann, second by Diane Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the August 25, 2022 minutes.  


Consent Agenda:  Motion by Mark Weidmann, second by Dustin Tollefsrud, and carried unanimously, to approve the following:

A.  2021-22 Budget

B. Claims Report

C.  Donations:

- $50 for school supplies donated by Larry Gifford

- $100 for Football Team Activities donated by United Methodist Church of Mabel

- $250 for School supplies donated by United Methodist Church of Mabel

- Cougar Club Football Recognition Sign ($275 value) donated by Mike & Heather Kleiboer

- $20 for Recess equipment donated by Karl Urbaniak and Lana Hollar

- $600 for Milk Break donated by Scheie Lutheran Church

- $50 for school supplies donated by Scheie Lutheran Church

- Sunscreen for students and staff donated by Marilyn Eiken and the Run From the Sun Melanoma Awareness Committee

- $100 to Cheerleaders Activity Account for helping with Mutton Busting at Steam Engine Days donated by Lance Rasmussen

Marquart made a motion to approve the donations, Weidemann 2nd the motion, Wilder rescinded her vote. Motion carried. 


VII. Reports 

  1. Student Representatives-NA
  2. Committees:
  • World’s Best Workforce-No Report
  • Curriculum Review- No Report
  • Facilities and Capital Outlay --There were issues with the new construction, and who is responsible for window cleaning. Gary resolved this issue, and they will be completing the window cleaning with this project. Temp Air Conditioning will be provided if needed at a cost, but this issue is resolved for now until permanent work is done.
  • Policy Committee--Check Addendum
  • COVID-19 Committee--see later in mtg.
  • Hiawatha Valley Education District-Discussion on an organizational analysis being done for HVED.  Houston is considering leaving HVED. Ideas were discussed about considering closer options. No action was taken. 
  • Southeast Service Cooperative--No report, Marquardt was not able to be on this call. 
  1. PreK-12 Principal-- We are back in school! Last Friday we had our annual Senior Sunrise Breakfast that was hosted for 21 seniors by Taher and MC Staff. It was well attended.  The Miller/Snell FFA Invitational was held today 9/21/22 and they had a great turnout with over 200 kids from 13 schools (including MC). Thank you to the Miller and Snell families and adviser Carlena Gallagher for all of the hard work and planning that goes into hosting an event like this. All of the kids were great, and our MC students really did a great job setting up and helping out wherever needed. Homecoming is coming up next week--Coronation is Sunday, 9/25/22 at 5 pm, the football game is SATURDAY at 1pm on Oct. 1st. The parade route will be flipped this year to end with a tailgate party at the Mabel Community Center hosted by the Mabel Firemen. The dance will be after the game on Saturday. The snow removal 2 year contract is up, so this will be posted for bids next week.
  1. Superintendent--Conferred that the Snow removal contract is up, but instead of bids, we will be asking for quotes instead and bring them to the next meeting. Community Clean up day was a success--about 70 people attended to help clean out the gym and move items back into classrooms, chairs were cleaned, the library was cleaned out and organized, painting done, and much much more! Thank you to all that came to help out! Cheerleaders, Football and Volleyball teammates were here along with many staff and lots of students and community members. 

IX.  Items for Action and/or Discussion

  1.  Levy Limit and certification-Motion by Wilder, 2nd by Tollefsrud, motion carried unanimously to approve the initial levy limit at the maximum.
  2. Truth in taxation hearing date and final levy certification-Motion by Marquardt, 2nd by Wiedemann, motion carried unanimously. Date set for 12/20/22 at 6:01 pm. 
  3. Joint meeting with Mabel & Canton City Council: Meeting is on 9/21/22-both councils plan to attend. Mr. Kuphal will have an update on the Redefining Readiness Report Card and will give tours of the building updates. He also will speak about the Strategic Plan process from MSBA. They will meet at 6 pm in Room 50. All School Board members are encouraged to attend as this is a special board meeting.  No motion needed-  
  4. Strategic Planning-Gail from MSBA suggested some evening dates and times. School board, staff, students, admin and the community are encouraged to be on the committee. Two surveys were sent to us to review for approval. Motion made by Wilder, 2nd by Marquardt to set the dates as Nov 2, 16, 30 and Dec. 14th at 6 pm for each meeting. Motion carried unanimously. Additionally, the surveys that were sent out were approved as written, motion made by Weidemann, 2nd by Tollefsrud, motion carried.  Board members are advised to come up with at least 3 names/ph. numbers of community members and report to Gary by Monday so that he can start calling the contacts to see if they are willing to be on this committee. 
  5.  Recognition of Karl Urbaniak--Diane Wilder wanted to revisit this item to make sure that Urbaniak was adequately recognized for his service. Mr. Kuphal stated that he talked to several surrounding schools, only to find out that no one really has protocol in place for something like this, but whatever we decide, we need to finalize this tonight to be able to have the sign made and ready to present at the Homecoming game Oct. 1st. Marquardt made a motion to rescind last month’s decision for the sign verbiage, Weidemann 2nd, motion carries unanimously. Motion by Weidemann to have a sign saying “Karl Urbaniak Field” placed on the crow’s nest on the Football field, Tollefsrud 2nd, motion carried unanimously. 
  6.  Internet Policy 524-No changes were made. Weidemann motions, Marquardt 2nd to approve this policy. Motion carried unanimously.
  7. COVID Policy update-it is noted that the current policy in place is not working with our student guidelines, and so it was recommended that, like many other schools in our area, to discontinue contract tracing and adopt the updated simpler policy presented. Wilder made a motion to approve the updated policy, 2nd by Marquardt. Motion carried unanimously.

Future Meeting and Calendar Updates:

  1. October 18, 2022; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
  2. November 15th, 2022; School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm
  3. December 20, 2022; School Board Meeting, 6:01pm

Adjournment:  Motion by Marquardt, second by Wilder, and carried unanimously to adjourn at 7:02 pm. 


Jason Marquardt, Clerk___________________________________


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