August 25, 2022 School Board Minutes

School Board Regular Meeting Minutes

August 25, 2022


The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met on Thursday, August 25th, 2022 at 6:00 pm in Science Room #50.


Members present in person: Adkins, Weidemann, Tollefsrud, Wilder, Miller,Livingood, Superintendent Kuphal

Members present via visible-audible technology: Gail Gilman (MSBA)

Also present in person: Principal Weidemann, District Secretary Heather Kleiboer, Rich Wicks, Kati Bergey, Adam Wilder

Members Absent: Marquardt,  Student Representative Matthew McClimon


The meeting was called to order by Chair Adkins at 6:00 pm.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Motion by Tollefsrud, second by Weidemann and carried unanimously, to approve the revised agenda.


Motion by Livingood, second by Weidemann and carried unanimously, to approve the July 19, 2022 minutes.  


Consent Agenda:  Motion by Weidemann (who also mentioned THANK YOU for all of the donations), second by Tollefsrud, with Wilder abstaining from the vote and carried unanimously, to approve the following:

A.  2021-22 Budget

B. Claims Report

C.  2022-23 Budget

D.  Donations: $25 to Music Dept from Anonymous Donor, $250 to each Sport from M-C Booster Club

E.  Hire Coranda Vickerman as PE/Health/Social Studies Teacher

F.  Hire Nickole Eiken as 2nd Grade Teacher

G.  Hire Shelby Gjere as a Paraprofessional for 6.5 Hrs/Day 5 Days/Week

H. Hire Heather Wilder as Junior Class Advisor

I. Hire Logan Richardson as Junior High Football Coach 


VII. Reports 

  1. Student Representatives
  2. Committees:
  • World’s Best Workforce-No Report
  • Curriculum Review- No Report
  • Facilities and Capital Outlay --Have not met, need to schedule a meeting, Gary is gathering information on some topics first.
  • Policy Committee--Check Addendum
  • COVID-19 Committee--see later in mtg.
  • Hiawatha Valley Education District
  • Southeast Service Cooperative--No report
  1. PreK-12 Principal--All Board members are welcome to attend the Staff Breakfast on Sept. 6th from 7:15-8:00 am in the cafeteria (first day of official inservice). Reminder of Community clean up day on Sunday from 1-5 pm. Back to School night is Sept. 7th. Kids return to school on Sept. 12th and 13th. 
  1. Superintendent--Thank you to Tollefsrud, Wilder and Livingood for returning your forms to renew for reelection. Redefining Readiness report is ready to share, but holding on to that for the joint meeting with Mabel and Canton City Councils to share this information.  Project Report: There are supply chain issues, so many items are close but not completed  yet. AC Units have been delayed, flooring almost complete. All windows complete, waiting on a new door for the 1914 building to arrive. Blinds/window sills will be completed next week. Roofing should be done next week with the chimney resolved, weather permitting. 

VIII.  Items for Action and/or Discussion

  1.  Strategic Planning with Gail Gilman from MSBA: All members are expected to participate in this process to create our “Road Map”--the Committee will meet 3 times and have a plan started. How to select a committee was discussed with lots of options on how to find members. It was decided that these meetings will be separate from Strategic meetings, and will begin in October.  (Oct/Jan/April)
  2.  Resolution Relating to the Election of School Board Members and Calling the School Board General: Information was read by Adkins, Motion to approve by Miller, seconded by Wilder. Motion carried unanimously. 
  3.  Adult Lunch Price Increase to $4.95: Miller motion, Weidemann/Tollefsrud 2nd the motion, motion carried unanimously. 
  4.  2022-23 District Fundraising List: Add a movie night as a possibility. Weidemann made a motion, Wilder seconded, motion carried unanimously. 
  5.  Foster Care Transportation Agreement Between Mabel-Canton School and Fillmore County: Weidemann made a motion, Wilder seconded,  motion carried unanimously.
  6.  Set Meeting Date and Time for Joint Meeting with the Mabel-Canton School Board, Mabel City Council, and Canton City Council: Waiting to hear back from Canton, 2 dates were selected-Sept 21st and Sept 28th at 6 pm are two choices to start with.
  7. Recognizing Karl Urbaniak: 3 options were presented, it was chosen to have a sign on the Crow’s nest stating: “Home of Hall of Fame Football Coach Karl Urbaniak 1986-2021” (Check dates for accuracy). Weidemann made a motion, Livingood seconded,  motion carried unanimously.
  8. Open House: There will be an open house planned in October for the community to stop by the school and see all of our improvements that have been made over the summer.  Date: 10/16 from 1-3 pm. Livingood made a motion, Weidemann seconded, motion carried unanimously.
  9. COVID Protocols for 2022-23: Note the changes in the Addendum. New information was included from Public Health, CDC did not have new info to share. Committee has decided to align with the MSHSL and use the same protocol for ALL students regarding COVID procedures. Wilder made a motion, Livingood seconded, motion carried unanimously.
  10. Innovative Contract-Jeremy Braun-Speech Language Services. Wilder made a motion, Weidemann seconded,  motion carried unanimously.
  11. Internet Policy-First Reading: Need to add in XIII-XV to our policy in the handbook. This is already on our website to be compliant. Forms will need to be updated for additional signature acknowledgement. No ACTION needed at this time, 2nd reading of this policy will be revisited in Sept.

Future Meeting and Calendar Updates:

  1. September 20, 2022; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
  2. October 18, 2022; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
  3. November 15th, 2022; School Board Meeting, 6:00 pm

Adjournment:  Motion by Weidemann, second by Livingood and carried unanimously to adjourn at 7:09 pm. 


Jason Marquardt, Clerk___________________________________


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