No School or After School Activities on Tuesday, Jan. 21st. Stay warm!

March 15, 2022 School Board Minutes

School Board Regular Meeting Minutes

March 15, 2022


The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met on Tuesday, March 15, 2022 at 6:00 pm in the Media Center.


Members present in person: Adkins, Miller, Marquardt, Wilder, Weidemann, Livingood, Superintendent Kuphal

Also present in person: Principal Weidemann, District Secretary Lisa Halverson, Student Representative Emily Carolan, Student Representative Matt McClimon, Tyler Augedahl, Sam Farnen, Lonnie Morken, Rich Wicks, Emma Middendorf, Molly Lee, Camryn Cox 

Members Absent: Dustin Tollefsrud 


The meeting was called to order by Chair Adkins at 6:00 pm.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Motion by Miller, second by Marquardt and carried unanimously, to approve the agenda as written.  


Motion by Livingood, second by Weidemann and carried unanimously, to approve the February 15, 2022 minutes.  


Gary expressed his appreciation to the School Board members and presented each of them with recognition certificates.  


Consent Agenda:  Motion by Weidemann, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the following, with a special thank you for the donations:  

  1. 2021-22 Budget
  2. Claims Report
  3. Donations:  
  • City of Mabel waived $100 rental fee for Winter Snowball Dance
  • M-C Booster Club donated refreshments for students at the Winter Snowball Dance
  • M-C Choir Department received $25 in memory of Donnie Garness from an anonymous donor
  • M-C Booster Club donated $384 to pay for the Track & Field Day ribbons
  • M-C Booster Club donated $591 to pay for the second bus for 6-9th grade Welch Village ski trip
  • Diane Wilder/Benevity Community Impact Fund donated $1,125 to M-C Girls BKB account and $1,125 to the M-C Volleyball account
  1. Greg Ardinger Resignation

Student Report: 

  • Choir received 2 “Excellents” and 1 “Good” rating at Large Group Contest at F-C High School last night.  Band received 3 “Excellents”.  
  • The Band, Choir, and Drama students will all be attending the Footloose performance at the Chanhassen Dinner Theater next Thursday.  
  • 7th-9th grades are enjoying the M-C Olympics activities this week.  Seniors are currently in 1st place.  The Medal Ceremony will be held on Friday afternoon.  
  • Turkey Dinner will be held Sunday, March 27.  If anyone is interested in buying tickets, please let the school know.
  • The Senior trip is coming up next month.  They will be leaving April 7th, returning April 16th.  
  • Official practice for Spring sports started yesterday.  Captain’s practice was held last week.   

Committee Reports:

Curriculum Review - Teachers are currently in the process of reviewing 4 math curriculums.  Their goal is to decide on one and have a new K-12 math curriculum in place by next school year.  


Facilities and Capital Outlay - A construction meeting was held today to discuss details of the Phase 2 project.  All 1914 rooms must be emptied by June 6th.  We may need help with this from students during the last week of school.  Gary noted the Library is part of the construction area, so the School Board meetings will be relocated during the construction period.  The Contractors’ goal to finalize construction is August 29th.  Once construction is complete, it will take time to move everything back to their original rooms.  


HVED - The Tandesky building is back on the agenda.  


SSC - Spelling Bee was recently held, but have not heard results.  


Principal Report:

  • High School participated in FFA week activities.  Elementary students were invited to the petting zoo.  The students really enjoyed this.  Thank you to Mrs. Gallagher and the FFA members for putting this together!
  • Elementary students enjoyed Dr. Suess week activities.  Thank you to Mrs. Rasmussen!
  • Author Mary Bleckwehl came and visited the Elementary students on March 10th.  She read one of her books and did a presentation on kindness for the students.  
  • Parent/Teacher conferences were held the last two weeks.  Thursday ended at 6pm due to Township elections.  
  • DASH and Beyond the Bell are two after school programs offered to students that could use some extra help getting caught up on school work.  We have 31 students enrolled in these programs this year, and four Student Mentors:  Janessa Hershberger, Sarah Schneekloth, Sami Williams, and Chloe Murray.  
  • Mrs. Weidemann and Mrs. Hollar are working on next year’s class schedule, and hoping to wrap it up soon.  Postings will be out soon for vacant positions.  

Superintendent Report:  

  • Gary’s father passed away, and he expressed his appreciation for the plant that was sent from the Board members and office staff.
  • Gary gave an update on the AASA Superintendent program and the MASA meetings he attended last week in the Twin Cities.  

Enrollment was reviewed.


Items for Action and/or Discussion:

  1.  Sr. Class officers approached the board asking for approval to set May 25th as their last day of school; in return they agreed to no senior prank or senior skip day.  Motion by Weidemann, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the senior class request.  
  2. Motion by Wilder, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the World’s Best Workforce plan for 2021-22
  3. Lonnie Morken requested approval to transport the Track team to practice on Wednesdays with the school van, due to only one track member with a driver’s license, and to save parents from driving every day.  Lonnie added he is not asking for compensation for this.  Dave Arnold will drive the team to their meets with the school van and drop them off.  The athletes are responsible for finding a ride home.  Lonnie and Gary added it is their hope to formalize a more standardized transportation process in the future.  Motion by Livingood, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve this transportation request.
  4. Motion by Marquardt, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to table the policies discussion to next month’s meeting.     
  5. Motion by Livingood, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to pass the Resolution Discontinuing and Reducing Educational Programs and Positions.  Motion by Wilder, second by Marquardt and carried unanimously, to pass the Resolution Proposing to Place Jennifer Burroughs on Unrequested Leave of Absence.  
  6. Leaving Return to School Plan as is - No motion needed.
  7. Motion by Livingood, second by Miller and carried unanimously, to approve Gary Kuphal returning two days/week as Superintendent for 2022-23 school year.  The Negotiations Committee will meet with Gary to discuss the contract.  
  8. Motion by Marquardt, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the Karl Urbaniak’s retirement letter, with many thanks for many years of teaching/coaching at M-C!                                                        

Future Meeting and Calendar Updates:

  1. April 19, 2022; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
  2. May 17, 2022; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
  3. June 21, 2022; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm

Adjournment:  Motion by Marquardt, second by Livingood and carried unanimously to adjourn at 7:05 pm. 

Jason Marquardt, Clerk___________________________________


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