Oct. 19, 2021 School Board Minutes

School Board Meeting Minutes
October 19, 2021
The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 at 6:01 pm in the Media Center.

Members present in person:Miller, Wilder, Tollefsrud, Livingood, Superintendent Kuphal
Also present in person:  Principal Michelle Weidemann, Student Representative Matthew McClimon, District Secretary Lisa Halverson, Aimee Lake, Rich Wicks, Andrew Forliti, Abby Henry, Jordan Nelson, Kati Bergey
Members absent: Adkins, Weidemann, Marquardt
Others present via visible-audible technology:  none
The meeting was called to order by Vice Chair Miller at 6:01 pm.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Agenda Changes/Additions: Motion to approve the agenda as written by Wilder, second by Livingood and carried unanimously. 
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Wilder, second by Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to approve the September 21, 2021 minutes.  
Redefining Readiness:  Michelle and Gary shared information on the new Redefining Readiness program that Mabel-Canton is involved in starting this school year focusing on student data indicating career and college readiness.  
2020-21 Audit Results: Motion by Wilder, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the 2020-21 audit results presented by Andrew Forletit from Smith Schafer.  
Consent Agenda: Motion by Tollefsrud, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the consent agenda.  Thank you for all the donations!                                                                        
Student Representative Report:  Homecoming went well.  Students had fun decorating floats, going through the parade, and attending the dance.  One-Act Play and Knowledge Bowl will be starting soon.  Looking into doing a dramatic play this year.  Yearbook Committee has been active working on current yearbook photos.  
Committee Reports: This is new to the agenda.  We will have committees report as needed.  Will see how this goes for a couple months and decide if we want to continue.  
PreK-12 Principal Report:  
- Homecoming was a fun week - great participation in all activities, great attendance at the dance.  Thank you to Heather Wilder for all the work put into Homecoming week!
- Thank you to Lana Hollar for a great job at setting up “College Week” to expose students to different college options!
- November 5th is end of first quarter.  Parent/Teacher conferences will be held as normal.  
- M-C was awarded a $40,000 COVID grant to help fund COVID supplies/needs.  This money will be used for expenses to reassign/add more nursing hours to our School Nurse’s daily schedule.  This will also fund two different testing options: kits to offer here at school and tests for students to take home if they choose.  These have been ordered and will be offered ASAP.   
Superintendent Report: Our current health insurance company is increasing their rates, so SE Coop is now teaming with Medica and they presented their health insurance rates with M-C staff today.  Teacher group will analyze data, then vote whether they choose to stay with current company or switch to SE Coop/Medica.  Teachers are aware of the mid November deadline to make a decision and notify companies.  These rates will be effective January 1st, 2022.  
- Phase two of construction will include air conditioning, upgrades to HVAC system, floor coverings, duct work in the gym ceiling.  A meeting will be held next week to discuss financials before final bid.  
- MSBA conference is scheduled for January 13-14.  Anyone interested should contact Gary soon so reservations can be made.  
“Return to School Plan for 2021-22” Update: COVID team met this morning and reviewed quarantine policy/testing and were pleased to see our school COVID case numbers are low.  At this time, the committee decided to stay with current process due to County rates rising.  Testing options through the school will be offered soon.  
Set Joint City Council/School Board Meeting Date: Motion by Livingood, second by Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to schedule the joint City Council/School Board meeting for November 17th at 6:00pm in the M-C Media Center.
Agreement between Mabel-Canton School and Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center for 2021-22:  Motion by Tollefsrud, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the agreement between Mabel-Canton School and Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center. 
Potential School Calendar Changes for 2021-22 and 2022-23:  Due to construction, we were asked to extend Summer by one week at the end of the current school year and one week at the beginning of next school year.  Motion by Tollefsrud, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to change February 21, 2022 and April 14, 2022 to regular scheduled school days, move the last day of school for Seniors to May 25, 2022 and last day of school for all other students to May 27, 2022.   Motion by Tollefsrud, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to move the first day of school to September 12, 2022, and change February 20, 2023 and April 6, 2023 to regular scheduled school days, 
Future Meeting and Calendar Updates:
November 16, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
November 17, 2021; Joint City Council/School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
December 21, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
January 18, 2022; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm

Adjournment:  Motion by Tollefsrud, second by Wilder and carried unanimously to adjourn at 7:20 pm. 

Jason Marquardt, Clerk___________________________________

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