Sept. 21, 2021 School Board Minutes

School Board Meeting Minutes
September 21, 2021

The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met on Tuesday, September 21, 2021 at 6:01 pm in the Media Center.

Members present in person: Adkins, Miller, Marquardt, Wilder, Weidemann, Tollefsrud, Livingood, Superintendent Kuphal
Also present in person:  Principal Michelle Weidemann, District Secretary Lisa Halverson, Aimee Lake, Rich Wicks, Heather Kleiboer, Lana Hollar, Jeff Rein 
Members absent: Student Representative Matthew McClimon
Others present via visible-audible technology:  Greg Turner
The meeting was called to order by Chair Adkins at 6:01 pm.  The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Agenda Changes/Additions: Motion to approve the agenda as written by Wilder, second by Livingood and carried unanimously. 
Approval of Minutes: Motion by Miller, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the August 17, 2021 minutes.  
Consent Agenda: Motion by Wilder, second by Weidemann and carried unanimously, to approve the consent agenda.  Thank you for all the donations!                                                                        
PreK-12 Principal Report:  
- Great start to the school year.  Miller Invitational was held today, with 13 schools participating - thank you to the Millers.  
- Elementary visited the steam engine’s prior to Steam Engine Days.
- Thank you to the Booster Club for volunteering to run the football concession stand.  
- Homecoming week is scheduled for October 4-8, with coronation being held on Sunday, October 3rd at 5:00pm.  
- We have four foreign exchange students this year, coming from the countries Spain, Turkey, Georgia, and Estonia.  
Superintendent Report: nothing at this time.
“Return to School Plan for 2021-22” Update: Motion by Weidemann, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the following changes to the “Return to School Plan” recommended by the COVID team: 
- if/when we reach a 7% threshold rate of positive cases, require the COVID Committee to step in for further direction.
- put in writing our communication to families regarding students who are close contracts of a positive case.  
Fundraising List for 2021-22: Motion by Livingood, second by Weidemann and carried unanimously, to approve the 21-22 Fundraising list, being open to discussion for additional fundraisers throughout the year if needed.  
Levy Limit and Proposed Levy Certification: Motion by Marquardt, second by Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to approve the proposed max levy.  
Set Date for Truth-in-Taxation Hearing and final Levy Certification: Motion by Tollefsrud, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to schedule the Truth-in-Taxation hearing and final levy certification for December 21, 2021 at 6:01pm.  
Principal’s Contract for 2021-23: Motion by Wilder, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the 21-23 Principal’s contract, with Weidemann abstaining.  
Teacher’s Contract for 2021-23: Motion by Weidemann, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the 21-23 Teacher’s contract, with Wilder abstaining.  
Non-Certified Agreement for 2021-23: Motion by Wilder, second by Weidemann and carried unanimously, to approve the 21-23 Non-Certified agreement, with Livingood abstaining.  
Potential School Calendar Changes for 2021-22 and 2022-23: No motion made.  Board agreed to have the Calendar Committee discuss and bring recommendations to the board.  
Joint City Council / School Board Meeting: Gary will reach out to both City councils to see if there is interest in scheduling a meeting.  
MSHSL Activity Fees for 2021-22: this has been paid and is in the bills that were approved by the board.  
Future Meeting and Calendar Updates:
October 19, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
November 16, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
December 21, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
January 18, 2022; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm

Adjournment:  Motion by Wilder, second by Marquardt and carried unanimously to adjourn at 6:58 pm. 

Jason Marquardt, Clerk___________________________________

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