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Jan. 19, 2021 School Board Minutes
School Board Meeting Minutes January 19, 2021 The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 6:00 pm in the Media Center. Members present in person: Wilder, Livingood, Adkins, Miller, Weidemann, Tollefsrud, Marquardt, and Superintendent Kuphal, and Student Representative Colton Heintz-Kuderer Also present in person: Principal Michelle Weidemann (arrived at 6:38 pm), District Secretary Lisa Halverson, Tina Swenson, Jill Kleckner, Aimee Lake, and Jodie Zesbaugh from Ehlers Public Finance Advisors Company Others present via visible-audible technology: Greg Turner and Rich Wicks The meeting was called to order by Chair Adkins at 6:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Agenda Changes/Additions: Motion by Marquardt, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the agenda with the following change: Consent Agenda-K: News Leader should read Fillmore County Journal. Motion was passed 7-0. Approval of Minutes: December 15th minutes: Motion by Tollefsrud, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the December 15, 2020 minutes. Motion was passed 7-0. December 29th minutes: Motion by Miller, second by Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to approve the December 29, 2020 minutes. Motion was passed 7-0. Items for Action and/or Discussion: Election of Officers Chair: Jason Marquardt nominated Chris Miller. Mark Weidemann nominated Cristal Adkins. Roll call vote was taken. Adkins, Livingood, Miller, Weidemann, and Wilder voted for Adkins. Marquardt and Tollefsrud voted for Miller. Adkins was voted in 5-2. Vice Chair: Diane Wilder nominated Chris Miller. Motion passed 7-0. Treasurer: Chris Miller nominated Jason Marquardt. Mark Weidemann nominated Diane Wilder. Roll call vote was taken. Adkins, Livingood, Weidemann, and Wilder voted for Wilder. Marquardt, Miller, and Tollefsrud voted for Marquardt. Wilder was voted in 4-3. Clerk: Mark Weidemann nominated Jason Marquardt. Motion passed 7-0. Ceremonial Oath of Office- was read by each recently re-elected board member. Chairperson’s Announcements: No comments at this time. VII. Consent Agenda: Motion by Miller, second by Marquardt and carried unanimously, to approve the following, with many thanks for M-C Booster Club’s donation. Motion was passed 7-0. Donation- MC Booster Club donated $2,500 for baseball dugouts. 2020-21 Budget Claims Report Hire Alexis King as Overflow Room Paraprofessional Authorization for the Business Manager, School Board Treasurer, and/or Superintendent to make wire transfer of funds for the purpose of reinvestments. Authorization for the Business Manager Office and/or Superintendent to issue checks, electronic fund transfers and wire transfers. Authorization for the Business Manager and/or Superintendent to invest funds not needed for current expenses. Authorization for the use of facsimiles and bitmap signatures for the 2020 school board officers on payroll and voucher checks. Authorization for the Business Management Offices, Principal and/or the Superintendent to sign the Activity Fund checks with signatures needed for withdrawal. Authorization for the Business Management Offices and/or the Superintendent to execute and file applications for State and Federally funded programs. Designation of Official School District Newspaper. (currently Fillmore County Journal) Designation of Official Law Firm (currently Kennedy & Graven) Designation of Official Depositories (currently MN Liquid Asset Fund, Bank of the West and First Southeast Bank of Canton) School Board Salaries (currently Chair at $90.00 per meeting, Officers at $80.00 per meeting, Directors at $70.00 per meeting and additional meetings at $40.00 not same night as regular meetings) Official Communication Channels (currently Midwest Radio Family/WIZM, KDEC, KVIK, KTTC/FOX 47) Remind 101 School Board Meeting Dates, Times and Location (currently 3rd Tuesday of month at 6:00 pm, Media Center . VIII. Reports: Student Representative: Distance learning went smoother than anticipated with the exception of wi-fi issues. Returning to school was an easy transition for students. Basketball has started. Practices/games are going well. Athletes are glad to be playing. PreK-12 Principal: Nothing to report at this time. Superintendent: Negotiations seminar is coming up. If any board members are interested in attending, contact Gary. The school’s technology department is still working with the Mabel Telephone company on internet issues. School Board Student Representatives are offered a chance at a scholarship. Gary encouraged Colton to apply. Mabel-Canton received 3 vaccinations to be given to interested staff. Those staff members have been selected and will be given their first dose as early as Thursday. We expect more vaccines for staff in the future. IX. Enrollment: Enrollment was reviewed. X. Items for Action and/or Discussion: C. Resolution Awarding the Sale of Bonds: Jodie Zesbaugh with Ehlers reported on the awarding of bonds that happened this morning. We received a 1.3237% interest rate, this being the lowest of four interest rates offered. Motion by Marquardt, second by Weidemann and carried unanimously, to accept the resolution awarding the sale of bonds. Motion was passed 7-0. Coaches Pay for January: Motion by Miller, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the second ⅓ payment of Winter coaches pay. Motion was passed 7-0. Return to Play Protocol: Discussion was held, no action was taken. Hire Megan Jones for 3rd Quarter World Cultures for 8th Grade: Motion by Wilder, second by Weidemann and carried unanimously, to approve the hiring of Megan Jones for 3rd quarter World Cultures. Motion was passed 7-0. Superintendent for 2021-22 School Year: Gary prefers to come back next year, but cannot commit at this time due to family medical reasons. Gary will get back to the board with a decision by February. Review Learning Models: Discussion was held, no action was taken. Sale of 2007 Chevy Uplander Minivan: This van has been used very little over the last two years, and cannot transport students due to regulations. Motion by Miller, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the sale of the 2007 Chevy Uplander Minivan via sealed quotes. Motion was passed 7-0. Decorah/M-C Tuition Reciprocity Agreement: Our agreement with Decorah schools states all Iowa families wanting to open enroll in Mabel-Canton must complete their application by March 1st. We currently have 3 Kindergarteners who have not done this and Decorah School have contacted us letting us know they will not be paying Iowa State Aid for these students. Gary has tried contacting the Decorah Superintendent with no luck. He will continue trying to connect with Decorah School, and will also reach out to these three families to have them complete the appropriate paperwork so this isn’t an issue for next year. If they fail to submit their paperwork by March 1st for next school year, they will be responsible for tuition. Post-Insurance Debt Compliance Policy #750, 2nd Rdg: Motion by Wilder, second by Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to approve the Post-Insurance Debt Compliance Policy #750. Motion was passed 7-0. X. Future Meeting and Calendar Updates: February 16, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm March 16, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm April 20, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm May 18, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm XI. Adjournment: Motion by Marquardt, second by Livingood and carried unanimously to adjourn at 7:11 pm. Motion was passed 7-0. Jason Marquardt, Clerk___________________________________ |
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