Please note DATE CHANGES: 

The High School Band/Choir Concert has been moved to Dec. 9th at 7 pm. 

Please make note of these changes. 

Dec. 29, 2020 School Board Minutes

School Board Meeting Minutes
Special Meeting
December 29, 2020
The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met on Tuesday, December 29, 2020 at 6:00
pm in the Media Center.
Members present in person: Miller, Marquardt, Tollefsrud, Livingood, and Superintendent Kuphal
Members Absent: Weidemann
Also present in person: none
Others present via visible-audible technology: Adkins, Wilder, Aimee Lake, and Jody and Matthew from
I. The meeting was called to order by Chair Adkins at 6:00 pm.
II. The Pledge of Allegiance was recited.
III. Agenda Changes/Additions: Motion by Marquardt, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to
approve the agenda. Motion passed 6-0.
IV. Items for Action and/or Discussion:
A. Public Hearing – Proposed Property Tax Abatement for Parking Projects
Jody and Matthew from Ehlers gave a power point presentation for the public hearing. There
was no public in attendance and no public comment provided.
B. Resolution Granting the Property Tax Abatement
Motion by Miller, second by Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to approve the Resolution
Granting the Property Tax Abatement. Motion passed 6-0.
C. Resolution Authorizing the Sale of School Building and Tax Abatement Bonds
Motion by Marquardt, second by Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to approve the
Resolution Authorizing the Sale of School Building and Tax Abatement Bonds. Motion
passed 6-0.
V. Adjournment: Motion by Marquardt, second by Miller and carried unanimously to adjourn.
Motion was passed 6-0.
Traci Livingood, Clerk___________________________________

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