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Dec. 15, 2020 School Board Minutes

School Board Meeting Minutes
December 15, 2020
The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met on Tuesday, December 15, 2020 at 6:00 pm in the Media Center.

Members present in person: Wilder, Livingood, Adkins, Miller, Weidemann, Tollefsrud, and Superintendent Kuphal
Members Absent: Marquardt
Also present in person:  Principal Michelle Weidemann, District Secretary Lisa Halverson, Rich Wicks, Lori Schutte, and Student Representative Colton Heintz-Kuderer 
Others present via visible-audible technology:  Aimee Lake and an unknown caller
The meeting was called to order by Chair Adkins at 6:00 pm.

The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

Agenda Changes/Additions: Motion by Miller, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the agenda.  Motion was passed 6-0.

Truth in Taxation Hearing:  Aimee reported the proposed pay 2021 levy.
General Fund:                $592,430.72
Community Service:             $40,258.44
Debt Service:                $421,171.00
Total Proposed School Tax Levy:    $1,053,860.16

Approval of Minutes: 
November 13th minutes: Motion by Wilder, second by Weidemann and carried unanimously, to approve the November 13, 2020 minutes.  Motion was passed 6-0.
November 17th minutes: Motion by Miller, second by Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to approve the November 17, 2020 minutes.  Motion was passed 6-0.  

Chairperson’s Announcements: No comments at this time. 

VII.     Consent Agenda: Motion by Miller, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the following.  Motion was passed 6-0.
2020-21 Budget
Claims Report
Resignation from Karen Rasmussen as Paraprofessional
Resignation from Lonnie Morken as Junior High Girls Basketball Coach
Hiring of Greg Ardinger as Custodian
VIII.     Reports:
Student Representative:  
Colton Heintz-Kuderer reported the students have mixed opinions on the two week distance learning plan for after Christmas break.  Most students understand, but their main worry is about internet issues.  
Students are eager to hear what Governor Walz says about sports tomorrow.
The Student Council held a fundraiser and raised over $1,000 in memory of Austin Conn, Mr. Urbaniak’s grandson.  
PreK-12 Principal:  
Mrs. Weidemann shared the Excel Winners from the Junior class are Emily Carolan and Jameson Tollefsrud.  The AAA winners from the Senior class are Katelyn Kleiboer and Colton Heintz-Kuderer .  Congratulations to all four of these students!  We hope to present these awards at a basketball game in the near future.  
A Sophomore student has expressed interest in becoming a School Board Student Representative.  Mrs. Weidemann will follow up with them and report back to the board.  
 Mr. Kuphal added that the AAA winners move on to subsections, then sections, then state.  Good luck to Colton and Katelyn!
The Minnesota State High School League is charging schools a surcharge fee.  Mabel-Canton’s fee is $3,000.  Mr. Kuphal has talked with other schools about this.  Some schools have paid their fee, some have not.  He is not comfortable agreeing to pay this at this time and put it on hold for now.  
Mr. Kuphal has meetings with Kraus-Anderson and Wendel Architects tomorrow to get an idea of the order projects will be completed.  
A playground manufacturing company has contacted Mr. Kuphal.  He will follow up with them.  
There is a Bond meeting coming up with Ehlers.  Mr. Kuphal will discuss more at the January board meeting.  He is hoping to receive the first payment in February.  

IX.     Enrollment:  Enrollment was reviewed.

X.     Items for Action and/or Discussion:
Final Levy Certification - Motion by Weidemann, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the final levy certification.  Motion was passed 6-0.
 Post-Issuance Debt Compliance Policy #750, First Reading - Ehlers is strongly encouraging us to put this policy in place.  We will revisit this next month.  
 Resolution Rescinding a Prior Resolution and Adopting a New Resolution Providing for a Public Hearing to Consider Granting a Proposed Property Tax Abatement - Because the resolution did not get printed in the newspaper ten days prior to tonight’s meeting, we have to schedule a special meeting.  Motion by Weidemann, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the resolution rescinding a prior resolution and adopting a new resolution providing for a public hearing to consider granting a proposed property tax abatement.  Motion was passed 6-0.
 Special Meeting on Tuesday, December 29th, 2020 at 6:00pm to Hold a Public Hearing to Consider Granting a Proposed Property Tax Abatement - Motion by Wilder, second by Weidemann and carried unanimously, to schedule a special meeting for December 29th, 2020 at 6:00 pm.  Motion was passed 6-0.
Winter Coaches and Volunteers -  Motion by Tollefsrud, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the Winter coaches and volunteers list.  Motion was passed 6-0.
Pay for Winter Coaches - The Winter coaches are requesting ⅓ of their pay now.  Motion by Miller, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve paying ⅓ Winter coaches pay on their December paycheck.  Motion was passed 6-0.
Resignation or Leave of Absence from Samantha Livingood as Paraprofessional/SACC Supervisor - Motion by Weidemann, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve a leave of absence for Samantha Livingood for the remainder of this school year.  Motion was passed 6-0.
MREA Board of Directors’ Vote - Two candidates are running for MREA Board of Director: Jim Jensen from Triton and Jake Thompson from Plainview-Elgin-Millville.  Motion by Miller, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to vote for Jake Thompson.  Motion was passed 6-0.
Teacher Seniority List - Motion by Miller, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the teacher seniority list.  Motion was passed 6-0.
Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center Agreement - Motion by Miller, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the Hiawatha Valley Mental Health Center agreement.  Motion was passed 6-0.
Review Learning Models - The Incident Command Team has met and agreed that with the expected surge in COVID case numbers after Christmas, they decided to have grades 5-12 set up for distance learning for two weeks following Christmas break.  Grades Preschool-4 will continue in the hybrid model they are currently in.  
Mr. Kuphal and Mrs. Weidemann had a meeting last week with Mabel Telephone Company and Jeff Oian from our Technology Department to discuss internet issues.  They have not come to the root cause at this point, but are still working on it.  
There was discussion about activities during distance learning.  We are waiting to hear what Governor Walz says tomorrow, then will make a decision Thursday or early next week.  
Superintendent’s Evaluation - Cristal asked Gary if he prefers having his evaluation in an open or closed session and he was fine with an open session.  Gary received an overall rating of 4.56 out of 5 from the school board members.  The board thanked him and hopes to keep him on as Superintendent for a while longer.  

 X.      Future Meeting and Calendar Updates:
December 29, 2020; Special School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
January 19, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
February 16, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
March 16, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm
April 20, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm

XI.     Adjournment:  Motion by Tollefsrud, second by Wilder and carried unanimously to adjourn at 6:58 pm.  Motion was passed 6-0.

Traci Livingood, Clerk___________________________________

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