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Nov. 17, 2020 School Board Minutes
School Board Meeting Minutes November 17, 2020 The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met on Tuesday, November 17, 2020 at 6:00 pm in the Media Center. Members present in person: Wilder, Livingood, and Superintendent Kuphal Other board members present via visual and audible technology: Weidemann, Marquardt, Tollefsrud Members Absent: Adkins, Miller Also present in person: Principal Michelle Weidemann, District Secretary Lisa Halverson, and Carlena Gallagher Others present via visible-audible technology: Aimee Lake, Rich Wicks, Andrew Forliti, Tamitha Peter, Greg Turner The meeting was called to order by Treasurer Wilder at 6:00 pm. The Pledge of Allegiance was said. Agenda Changes/Additions: Motion by Marquardt, second by Weidemann and carried unanimously, to add Telemedicine Policy #540, Second Reading, and approve the revised agenda. Motion was passed 5-0. Approval of Minutes: October 20, 2020 minutes: Motion by Livingood, second by Weidemann and carried unanimously, to approve the September 15, 2020 minutes. Motion was passed 5-0. Chairperson’s Announcements: No comments at this time. VI. Consent Agenda: Motion by Marquardt, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the following. Motion was passed 5-0. ISD 238 Budget 1. 2020-21 Budget 2. Activity Accounts B. Invoices C. Electronic Fund Transfers D. Hire Karen Rasmussen as Paraprofessional for Hybrid Overflow room Supervision E. Richard Bjertness as Custodian F. Donations: 1. Scheie WELCA 2. First SE Banks of Canton & Harmony . VII. Reports: Student Representative: Colton Heintz-Kuderer was unable to attend the meeting, but provided a report with the following information: Most students seem to be happy to still be attending school in person. Students are having some struggles with Friday distance learning days, but willing to keep trying. Football playoffs start tonight. Good luck Cougars! Volleyball team continues to do well with their season. Thank you to the M-C teachers and staff for making it possible to staying in school as long as we have. PreK-12 Principal: Mrs. Weidemann thanked Paul Tollefsrud and Heather Wilder for putting together the Veteran’s Day video. Michelle will send this out if people request to see it. Virtual Parent Teacher conferences were held last Wednesday and tonight via Google Meet or a phone call. Elementary numbers remained close to the same. High school conference numbers were lower than usual. Friday distance learning internet issues seem to have improved. We are working with the telephone company on this. If this Friday does not go as planned, the students will work on materials the teachers send home on Thursday. Mrs. Weidemann wished the football team luck as they go into playoffs tonight. Superintendent: Mr. Kuphal reported the board canvassed the election results and all three referendum questions passed. Gary and Michelle have a phone conference scheduled with the companies to move forward with this process. Those entities will be in the building tomorrow to walk through and view the projects. VII. Enrollment: Enrollment was reviewed. IX. Items for Action and/or Discussion: Audit Results - Aimee reported we had a successful year overall. Andrew Forliti joined the meeting online and shared the June 2020 audit results. Motion by Livingood, second by Weidemann and carried unanimously, to approve the audit results. Motion was passed 5-0. Superintendent Evaluation - The board agreed to table this topic until next month’s meeting when more board members are present. Resolution Calling for Public Hearing to Consider Tax Abatement - The school is considering doing work to the parking lot next spring. In order to consider a proposed property tax abatement, a public hearing needs to be scheduled. Motion by Weidemann, second by Marquardt and carried unanimously, to schedule this for December 15th, 2020 at 6:01 pm, followed by the regular school board meeting. Motion was passed 5-0. Snow Removal Quotes - Motion by Weidemann, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to stay with Karl Vang. Motion was passed 5-0. MSHSL Fees - The State of MN can be charged a COVID fee. Ours would be $3,000. We have put this on hold for now. Snow Days - Motion by Tollefsrud, second by Weidemann and carried unanimously, to excuse the first three snow days, and start E-Learning on the fourth snow day, if possible. Motion was passed 5-0. Custodial Increase - Motion by Weidemann, second by Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to hire a third full-time Custodian with CARES Funding. Motion was passed 5-0. Bus Contract during Distance Learning - Gary will schedule a Board Negotiations Team meeting to discuss the bus contract. Activities during Distance Learning - The board agreed to leave activities as is, as long as we are allowed. Review Learning Models - If we are told we need to change models, the public will be notified right away. Telemedicine Policy #540, Second Reading - Motion by Maruquardt, second by Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to approve the Telemedicine Policy #540. Motion was passed 5-0. X. Future Meeting and Calendar Updates: December 15, 2020; Truth in Taxation Hearing at 6:01pm followed immediately by the regular School Board meeting January 19, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm February 16, 2021; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm XI. Adjournment: Motion by Marquardt, second by Livingood and carried unanimously to adjourn at 7:23 pm. Motion was passed 5-0. Traci Livingood, Clerk___________________________________ |
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