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Nov. 13, 2020 Special School Board Minutes

School Board Special Meeting Minutes

November 13, 2020


The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met on Friday, November 13, 2020 at 8:00 a.m. in the District Office Conference Room.


Members present in person: Miller, Wilder, Weidemann, Superintendent Kuphal

Other board members present via visual and audible technology: Adkins, Livingood   

Also present in person:  Principal Weidemann, Secretary Lisa Halverson

Board members Absent:  Marquardt, Tollefsrud


  1. The meeting was called to order by Chair Adkins at 8:10 a.m.

  1. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

  1. Agenda Changes/Additions: Motion by Miller, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the Agenda Changes/Additions.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 5-0.

  1. Items for Action and/or Discussion:

A. Canvass Election Results

  • There was a total of 1,690 voters.  

  • Mark Weideman received 697 votes; Jason Marquardt received 638 votes; Cristal Adkins received 704 votes; Chris Miller received 744 votes; and there were 200 Write-in votes.  

  • The Operating Referendum question passed with a 75% passage rate, receiving 798 YES votes and 273 NO votes.

  • The Bond Referendum question #2 passed with a 61% passage rate, receiving 644 YES votes and 419 NO votes.  

  • The Bond Referendum question #3 passed with a 59% passage rate, receiving 612 YES votes, and 427 NO votes.  

  • Gary will send out a Thank You to the Vote Yes Committee for all their hard work getting information out to the community.  

Motion by Miller, second by Wilder and carried unanimously to approve the canvassing of election results.  Roll call was taken and motion was passed 5-0.


XI. Adjournment:  Motion by Wilder, second by Miller and carried unanimously to adjourn at 8:19 a.m.  Roll call was taken and motion was passed 5-0.


Traci Livingood, Clerk___________________________________

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