Please note DATE CHANGES: 

The High School Band/Choir Concert has been moved to Dec. 9th at 7 pm. 

Please make note of these changes. 

December 18, 2018 Special Board Minutes

Special Board Minutes

December 18th, 2018


The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met on Tuesday, December 18th, 2018 at 6:00 pm in the Media Center.


Members present: Adkins, Loppnow, Wilder, Hershberger, Miller, Marquardt, Weidemann and Supt. Kuphal


Also present: Michelle Weidemann, Aimee Lake, Barb Kerns, Rich Wicks, Lonnie Morken, Adam Wilder, Pam Rasmussen, Jennifer Burroughs, Greg Turner


The Special Board meeting was called to order by Chair Adkins at 6:02 pm


The Pledge of Allegiance was said.


Motion by Markquardt, second by Weidemann and carried unanimously, to approve the Agenda for the Special Board Meeting.


Aimee Lake reviewed the details from the Truth in Taxation Hearing. Proposed Levy is $573,491.58.


Motion by Loppnow, second by Marquardt and carried unanimously, to adjourn the Special Board Meeting at 6:13 pm.

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