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July 28, 2020 School Board Minutes

School Board Meeting Minutes

July 28, 2020


The Board of Education of Independent School District #238 met on Tuesday, July 28, 2020 at 6:00 pm in the Media Center.


Members present in person: Adkins, Livingood, Miller, Wilder, Superintendent Kuphal;  Other board members present via visual and audible technology: Marquardt, and Tollefsrud.   

Absent:  Mark Weidemann

Also present in person:  Michelle Weidemann, Lisa Halverson; Others present via visible-audible technology:  Aimee Lake, Jessica Hahn-Miller, Lana Hollar, Rich Wicks, Greg Turner, Melissa Miller, Susan Peterson, Barbie Roessler, and Jodie Zesbaugh.


  1. The meeting was called to order by Chair Adkins at 6:08 pm.

  1. The Pledge of Allegiance was said.

  1. Agenda Changes/Additions: Motion by Miller, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the Agenda Changes/Additions.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

  1. Approval of Minutes: Motion by Tollefsrud, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the June 16, 2020 minutes.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

  1. Chairperson’s Announcements: No public comment was given at this time.  


VI. Consent Agenda: Motion by Marquardt,  second by Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to approve the following.  Roll call was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

  1. Renew Kay Capps-Cross as a Tier One Teacher at .5 FTE

  2. ISD 238 Budget

    1. 2019-20 Budget

    2. Activity Accounts

  3. Invoices

  4. Electronic Fund Transfers

  5. Coranda Vickerman resignation as JV Volleyball Coach

  6. Josh Nord as Student Teacher with Lonnie Morken


VII. Reports:

  1. Student Representative:  

  • Colton Heintz-Kuderer was unable to attend tonight’s meeting in person, so he sent his report in letter form for the Board to view.  He reported on the following:

  • Students wearing masks in school

  • Football mini camp

  • Baseball and softball games

  • Trapshooting team finished 2nd in conference and had five members make the All-State Team

  • Prom on July 11th at the Mabel Community Center

  • Thoughts on school this Fall.  He believes that students should be in the building as much as possible.  

  1. PreK-12 Principal:  

  • We applied for a $10,600 grant from the Mabel Telephone Company and were approved.  This will go toward laptops for students in grades 4-9, 20 iPads for elementary students, classroom audio system, and 2 Smart Projectors.  Mrs. Weidemann thanked the Mabel Telephone Company.  

  • Elementary Summer School starts Monday.  We have 12 students who will be attending.  Mrs. Laura Vatland will be teaching, with assistance from Mrs. Stacey Wilson, Paraprofessional.   

  1. Superintendent: 

  • Mr. Kuphal mentioned the idea of a part-time registered school nurse.  He met with other area schools to discuss the topic.  Gary will look into this further.  


VIII. Enrollment:  Not applicable. 


IX. Items for Action and/or Discussion:

A. School Perception Survey Results:

  • 27% participation rate from the community.  Anything over 20% is considered excellent.  

  • Overall, the community is supportive of the school in the areas of a safe learning environment, high-quality education and staff, and keeping the public informed. 

  • Results on questions relating to renewing the operating referendum showed the public would support the renewal.

  • Results on questions relating to the bond referendum showed while the public liked all of the ideas, they would support the base plan of $5.7 million, and probably a bit more, based upon the tax impact on residents.  

  • The School Board will have a special board meeting on Monday, August 3rd at 6:00pm to make a final decision on the referendums.  

B. Planning for School this Fall 

  • A committee of staff members is developing draft plans for each of the three scenarios required by the state.  A meeting for a committee of parents and students is scheduled for August 4th to gather their input.  A full staff meeting is scheduled for August 11th and 12th to finalize their recommendations to the School Board, who will meet Thursday, August 13th at 6:00pm to make a final decision on how to start school, pending the Governor’s announcement on July 30th.  

  • Survey results from families showed overwhelming support (67%) for students to be in school as much as possible.  Conceptually, the committee agrees with having students in school as much as possible, and keeping this in mind as they work on the plans.   

C. 2020-21 Year-Long Advisors and Fall Coaches

  • Discussion was held on open coaching positions.  If we don’t have anyone hired in time, our volunteers will fill in.  Motion by Wilder, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the 2020-21 year-long Advisors and Fall Coaches.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

D. Extra-Curricular Handbook, 2nd Reading

  • Motion by Miller, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the Extra-Curricular Handbook corrections.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

E. PreK-12 Student Handbook, 2nd Reading

  • Motion by Livingood, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the PreK-12 Student Handbook corrections.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

F. Filing for School Board

- The period for filing affidavits of candidacy for the office of school board member of the Mabel-Canton School District goes from July 28, 2020 through August 11, 2020.  Motion by Miller, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the filing dates for School Board vacancies.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

G. Evaluation for Superintendent 

  • A short discussion was held.  Evaluation forms will be distributed to the Board next week.  

H. Superintendent Contract

  • Mr. Kuphal agreed to stay on as Superintendent for another year.  He will receive an additional $20/day, up to $1500 contribution to his 403B, and increase his contracted days to possibly 150 days max this coming school year.  Motion by Livingood, second by Marquardt and carried unanimously, to the Superintendent Contract.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

I. Community Volunteer Day

- Motion by Livingood, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to schedule the Community Volunteer Day for Sunday, August 16, 2020, with Sunday, August 23rd, 2020 as the back up day.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

J. Capital Outlay Expenditures

- One change was noted.  The scoreboard console needs to be moved to Capital Outlay.  We are still under expenditures that the Board approved.  Motion by Wilder, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to the Capital Outlay expenditures.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

K. Agreement with HVED to reimburse for Student Membership for ALC Learning Year 2020-21

- Motion by Miller, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the agreement with HVED to reimburse for student membership for ALC learning year 2020-21.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

L. Agreement to purchase education service from HVED for 2020-21 school year

- Motion by Tollefsrud, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the agreement to purchase education service from HVED for 2020-21 school year.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

M. 2020-21 Renewal for Membership in MSBA

- Motion by Marquardt, second by Miller and carried unanimously, to approve the 2020-21 renewal for membership in MSBA.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

N. Designation of Identified Official with Authority for the MDE External User Access Recertification System

- The Minnesota Department of Education (MDE) requires that school districts annually designate an Identified Official with Authority to comply with the MNIT Enterprise Identity and Access Management Standard which states that all user access rights to Minnesota state systems must be reviewed and recertified at least annually. The Identified Official with Authority will assign job duties and authorize external user’s access to MDE secure systems for their local education agency (LEA). Motion by Miller, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve authorizing Gary Kuphal to act as the Identified Official with Authority (IOwA) for Mabel-Canton Public School District 0238-01.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

O. Long-Term Facilities Maintenance 10 year plan

- Motion by Wilder, second by Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to approve the long-term facilities maintenance 10 year plan.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

P. Increase Emily Timm for additional .2 FTE for High School Art Elective

- This is not a budget impact because Mrs. Timm will be moving from Spanish to Art.  Motion by Livingood, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the increase of Emily Timm for an additional .2 FTE for High School Art elective.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

Q. Increase Laura Horihan for up to an additional .4 FTE for Elementary Special Education 

- This is budget neutral and may not need the whole .4 FTE.  Motion by Wilder, second by Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to approve to increase Laura Horihan for up to an additional .4 FTE for Elementary Special Education.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

R. Carlena Galagher as Ag Teacher for .2 FTE, 1st Semester only

- This does not affect the budget, due to Mrs. Galagher budgeted for .4 FTE last year.  Motion by Wilder, second by Tollefsrud and carried unanimously, to approve Carlena Galagher as Ag Teacher for .2 FTE, first semester only.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

S. Opt-Out form for 1 to 1 Laptop Program

- Motion by Wilder, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to approve the Opt-out form for 1 to 1 Laptop Program.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

T. Bank Card Signatures

- Lisa Halverson will be replacing Lynette Donald on the Activity Account.  April Brumm will be replacing Chris Hansen on the General Account and Activities Account.  Tracy Livingood will be added to the General Account.  All other signers remain the same. Motion by Miller, second by Wilder and carried unanimously, to approve the signatures needed to update bank cards.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.

U. Set meeting date for joint City Council/School Board meeting

- Mr. Kuphal would like to share the future bond referendum decision with the City Council.  Motion by Wilder, second by Livingood and carried unanimously, to schedule the joint City Council and School Board meeting for Wednesday, September 23rd, 2020.  Roll call vote was taken and motion was passed 6-0.


 X.  Future Meeting and Calendar Updates:

  1. August 18, 2020; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm

  2. September 15, 2020; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm 

  3. October 20, 2020; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm

  4. November 17, 2020; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm

  5. December 15, 2020; School Board Meeting, 6:00pm 


XI. Adjournment:  Motion by Marquardt, second by Livingood and carried unanimously to adjourn at 8:47 pm.  Roll call was taken and motion was passed 6-0.


Traci Livingood, Clerk___________________________________

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