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AHERA Annual Asbestos Notification
AHERA Annual Asbestos Notification During the past school year and continuing into the next school year, the following Asbestos Management plan activities have been or are currently being completed. These activities are pursuant to the Environmental Protection Agency 40 CFR Part 763 “Asbestos Containing Materials in Schools; Final Rule and Notice.”; two (2) semi-Annual Periodic Surveillance Inspections, notification of Asbestos Locations for Short-Term Workers, training of District Personnel. Additionally, M-C Public Schools has contracted through Southeast Service Cooperative with the Institute for Environmental Assessment to provide environmental consulting services. The complete updated Asbestos Management plan for M-C Public Schools can be found in the District Office. The Management Plan can be viewed, without cost or restriction, during normal working hours. Copies can be obtained for a fee of $.10 per page. Any questions concerning this notice or an explanation of Asbestos Management Plan can be directed to Gary Kuphal, Superintendent. |
Contact: Gary Kuphal |