(5/2/24) Games today have been postponed. They will be made up on May 11th at 10:00 am. We will be playing a varsity double header for both BB and SB. Bus leave times will be 7:00 AM that day.
Spring Sport Update: The Varsity BB & SB teams will be making up one of their L-P Games this Friday (May 3) in Spring Grove. They will play L-P following the SG/LP game. Approx. start time: 6 pm. MC will be the HOME team on the score board. Please stay tuned to the website for day to day updates!

Teen Dating Abuse/Safe Relationships

Dating Violence: The physical, mental, emotional, sexual, and/or verbal abuse between persons who have been or presently are in a casual or serious dating relationship.

Teen Violence is about Power and Control
>USING PRIVILEGE - has expectations without consulting you - treats you like a servant
>USING ISOLATION - not letting you go out with friends - wanting to know where you are at all times
>USING INTIMIDATION - destroying property, driving recklessly, threatening calls/texts, stalking you
>USING ECONOMIC ABUSE - taking your money for personal use - making you ask for money or things you want
>USING EMOTIONAL ABUSE - name calling, using put downs
>MINIMIZING, DENYING AND BLAMING - saying you are too emotional, that you cause the abuse, saying he/she loves you after yelling at you
>USING THREATS - threatening to spread rumors, commit suicide, to beat you up, destroying your property, threatening to leave you

Web-Based Resources


Also, check out YouTube:
"Reviving Ophelia:Saving the Selves of Adolescent Girls"
"Girls and Sexuality in the Media"
"Reel Girls: Wall of Shame"
"Teen Dating Violence"